Fishing Forum

Full Version: Get Wet And Get Stung
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One evening I took my buddy fishing at a local lake. The side of the lake that we wanted to fish meant that we had to wear waders and walk out a little to cast into a little deeper water for catfish. Well when we walked out into the water the mud underneath us sank in a lot, I had experience walking in this kind of muck but my buddy did not. I was out in front of him when I heard a little splash when I turned around he was still standing but his arms were also down in the muck holding himself up still. He was talking funny because the water was up to his chin and he was asking for help, but all I could do is laugh. I got my bait casted and started walking in to help him when he tried to get back up he fell over and got all wet. We both got back onto shore and he still wanted to fish even though he was all wet so I ended up walking out and casting his line out for him. We were fishing for about 20 minutes when I heard him swear and he started swating at something, I asked him what he was doing and come to find out he got stung by a wasp. He did not have a good day that day but I sure did get laughs out of it.