I am new to Indiana and I will be attending Ball State University In Muncie to get my masters degree in Fisheries Management. I was wondering if anyone new of any good places around Muncie to do some fishing?
i fish the wabash river dont no any good spots up ther?
One of our favorite places to fish is Summit Lake State Park off of hwy 36 northeast of New Castle. Our daughter lives in Muncie and we meet them at Summit a lot. Also has boat rentals and a great campground. It has been written up as having some of the cleanist water and best fishing in Indiana.
Another place we have heard a lot about at New Castle is Westwood Lake. We have been out there but never fished there. There's also Prairie Grove just outside Muncie but we haven't fished it either nor do we know much about it.
A little further drive but a great place to fish is Brookville Reservoir south of Richmond, Indiana.
If you do a little research at the library on old issues of Outdoor Indiana you can find all kinds of things about fishing in Indiana.
that is so true, lots of hidden secreats, but alass as time goes by so do many of our favorite places. Disipearing in the middle of a construction dust storm over night...
Its always good to know some one is about with a little insite as to what resorces are still available, thanks for the share..[cool]
Summit Lake is a good spot, it's right about there around Wilbur Wright Park. There is a lot of good fishing in that place, I've caught loads of crappie out of there (main reason I go there). I don't live there,but I do have a friend in that area, I'll ask him about some other places and get back to you on that.