Went to Newton last Saturday and one ski boat and 10 fishing boats on the lake. I am fishing in a narrow portion of the lake (where the fish are) that connects two main bodies. This boat comes by a few times within 50 or so yards and I am in my small 12ft boat and I am a rockin. I tolerate it because it is everyones lake. The next time they come by the skier comes within 20 yards of my boat and I yell to go somewhere else. He replied that this was his lake too. There was another portion of the lake that no one was on and it was plenty of room for them. I seriously wanted to catch a 200lber at that moment. I had to turn boat around so my bow would hit the wake first so I would not get flooded. I didn't pull my line up and it got in the trolling motor and that is always fun. So here is that ironic part...I am at work and a coworker comes to me and he knows that I fish at Newton and he proceeded to tell me a story about his brother being yelled at by a man fishing. I cracked up! It was ME! It's a small world. I am glad I did not let the treble hook soar.
You should have let the treble hook fly right into a leg and that might make him think about using another part of the lake next time. And then your co worker would have told you a story about his brother getting hooked by someone fishing instead!
If I let the treble hook fly, then I would've lost my more valuable lure. Not to a skier.
Next time get the hull number on the boat and have a citation sent to the driver in the mail. That will stop the idiot from driving within 150 feet of you. That is one expensive fine[mad]
Use your camera phone and snap a pic of the violation, get the HID and flag the local ranger, or make a call. With the pic they will issue a citation.
That's good to know. Thanks for the information and that should really make them think twice about ever doing it again!
[cool][#0000ff]The dimbulbs in the boats KNOW that they are violating the law. Last year when I was fishing Willard a boat under full power started to come between me and the shoreline I was fishing. I brought up my camera and as soon as the driver saw the camera he pulled back on the throttle and almost swamped his boat with the following wake coming over the transom. I got a good shot of the numbers on the bow and turned it over to the rangers. Not sure what happened but I know I got the boater's attention.[/#0000ff]
Hey LordCrappie Ive ran into a similar situation a few years ago at Mantua, We were fishing from the shore near the North End and a couple guys kept skiing back in forth right were we were fish. Damm frustrating ain't it.... if it weren't for my girlfriend I would of starting throwing rocks at him. [pirate]
Man does that ever bring back memories - I used to fish a lot with my dad before he died. We had a 12 ft aluminum boat. My dad would carry a bucket of rocks in the boat at all times. If a skier got close enough to hit with a rock, he would start chucking them. It didn't take long untill we had a reputation on the Preston area lakes. Everyone learned to stay thier distance.
I have an uncle who served in Vietnam and this man is as tough as it gets. His forearms were huge and does not take **** from no one. My dad was telling me that he was fishing one time with him in the South and a boat came racing by for the second time and pulled out his pistol and gave a shot over their heads. In the back woods their are no Game Wardens to run too. Southern hospitality at its best!
Thats what sucks about Newton its small and alot of people go there ive been there several times and there was so many boats it was to hard to even try and fish with all this warm weather this weekend i bet all the lakes will be packed[:/]
We are all in it together. Best thing to do is just report the knuckleheads.
When this happens to me I take a few seconds to remind myself that I am there to fish and get away from various annoyances. That usually makes it all better. But 20 feet is too close and dangerous. One wrong action on the controls and a collision is possible. This would make me very

. That is why I always carry a marine radio with me, for safety and to report violations.
That's awesome. We should package that up and sell it. Kit comes with flag that reads "Rocks and slingshot onboard"
I keep a 7' med hvy rod rigged with a 1oz bell sinker. No hooks. I do not hesitate to cast it directly at a skier, while looking them right in the eye. They know my cast is as intentional as there driving to close to me.
Thing is, I have exactly 150' of line on the rod, 20 lb test. I can cast about 140' with it. If I hit them, I'll claim they were breaking the law.
If they so much as turn my way, I'll have the Sheriff on the cell, camera in hand. I will come to court.
[#0000ff]It is okay to put hooks on your "deterrents". Just remember...MANDATORY C&R. No possession allowed.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Here is the ideal solution.[/#0000ff]
![[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=11173]](http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=11173)
Now THAT'S deterrence - and it works every time


i have a wrist rocket on board. and a few nice rocks. i works. first pass just show them you wont have many pass by again. if so launch a rock as they go by out in front of the boat. they get the hint. if a fish cop shows up sink it. [

The best way to keep the speed boats away is to hook a few witch I have done...
One even got the parks and came back after all was said and done they got a ticket and told not to come so close, you can even have them pay for your lure and line if you lose it from hooking them....[
