[#005028]I have several levels of thermos to handle all water conditions. Well at least I thought I did. 45º is about the coldest that I previously had to contend with until this week. I was prepared to wade in water in the upper 30's and thought that my heavy wool socks were up to the task. Now I know better. While the rest of my body was comfortable my feet were ice cold. [shocked] Had to come out of the water every ½ hour to warm them up. I thought that my socks, stocking foot waders and boots would do the job. Does anyone have any suggestions as to a what kind of socks would keep one's feet relatively comfortable in these types of temperatures?[/#005028]
Well besides the BATTERY SOCKS [laugh] I use "Smart Wool" and Orvis Wading Socks (they are thinner around the ankle for easy movement).
Not cheap, but they wear like iron. I have some that are on their third year (I do wash then however..LOL)
I hope you weren't trying to put your wadelites to a test.[pirate]
With water below 40 degrees I will use my 3mm neos with light cotton socks for wicking and my thermo lite sock on top of that. Long Johns under light sweats help with the rest of the legs.
Wading boots help with the rest of the foot warming.
Water that is 40 degrees on up I will use less layers.[cool]
Breathables year round here!
I can see Breathables on the hard water..............
I just can fathom you carring around a 6' auger to make a hole big enough to launch your float tube though.[crazy]
No ice, but moving water that just is too busy to turn to ice[sly]
Lower Provo should just about qualify right now.[

T2, you should be here right now. Went to the middle Sunday wearing the Chota's and zip off pant leg pants. Left the bottom portion on cause the grass is high.
Stood out in that river for hours...or till I couldn't feel my feet anymore[

] Just what the Dr. ordered after so many days in the upper 90's. PEEEERRRFFFEECT!
Baxters first river trip. Did great till a gal went by with a female wiener,[laugh]
Sounds like a fun trip.
I'm sure that Baxter really liked it.[cool]
It looked like it!
[inline "Provo July 08 5 400.jpg"]
Wow! He even likes to pose for pictures. That is kewl.[cool]
I guess he doesn't worry about cold feet at all.[
