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[Image: 20137.jpg]Good news! A key committee in Congress this week approved a major bill to preserve free-flowing rivers and wilderness in Southern California. The California Desert and Mountain Heritage Act, introduced by Rep. Bono-Mack (R-Palm Springs), passed the House Resources Committee on Wednesday and may be considered by the full House as early as next week.
That's where we need your help. Write a letter to your Representative in Congress to ensure passage of this bill, H.R. 3682.
The culmination of more than a decade of river and wilderness protection efforts by Friends of the River and a large coalition of other conservation organizations, H.R. 3682 will protect 195,000 acres of Wilderness in Riverside County, as well as 31 miles of Wild & Scenic Rivers. Your letter to your Representative in Congress will ensure that this important bill passes the House of Representatives. [url ""]To send your letter, click here.[/url]
[url ""]Learn more here[/url], then please [url ""]send your letter[/url]!
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