[#008000][cool]I think that I know the answer to this question but I thought that I would throw it out for some feed back. I have a Orvis Battenkill Mid Arbor size ll reel that I purchased a while back for my 3wt rod. It is rated for 3 - 4wt line. If I purchased another spool to use it on the above reel and loaded it with 2 wt line should I expect any unforeseen problems?[/#008000]
[cool][#008000]Just as I thought. Received this response for Orvis.[/#008000]
Thank you for your email. You can load that reel with 2 weight line all you need to do is add a little bit more backing. I would not use 2 weight line on your 3 weight rod. The rod will not load properly and will not cast very well.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Patrick King
Orvis Rod & Tackle
I did not say anything before simply because I was not 100% sure.. but I have always been told that you can over line a rod by one wt heavier on the linebut not underline line a rod by using a line that is one wt lighter..
MacFly [cool]
[#008000][cool]Sorry MacFly this had nothing to do with a rod. My intention is to buy a 2 wt rod and use my 3/4 wt reel with a spool loaded with 2 wt line. Certainly don't need to invest money into another reel. In this manner a spool generally is half the price of a reel & line so I will have enough left over to get a tank of gas or some beer for my amigos. [
] Perhaps if I had rephrased my words my message would have been clearer - however, I did get the response that I was seeking.[/#008000]
so you are using a 3-4 wt reel to hold some 2wt line for a new 2wt rod you wanna get...hehhehe
..as you can see I intially read the post as a question on underlining the rod.. ... to make it worse I take what is said in the email as support for my contention of not underlining the rod..
...hmmmmmmmm good Lord.. it must be a Monday .. no wonder people always say TGIF...hehehehe
MacFly [cool]
You can use any reel you want, but the extra backing IS going to increase the weight. If that doesn't bother you....go for it. I have the LA I and it is the same diameter as the Mid II, but only about 30 yrds of backing, so perfect on my LL 2 wt.
Have you looked at that Lamson Konic. Very light, large arbor and probably not a whole lot more money.
[font "Courier"][#008000][size 4][cool]For that matter I guess one could put a 10wt reel on a 2wt rod if it would fit, but will the rod be out of balance using a 3wt reel on a 2wt rod? Come to think of it wouldn't it be better to use a 3wt line on a 2wt rod as it would tend to load better with very little line out fishing a small creek?[/size][/#008000][/font]
That depends on the action of the 2 wt., but it is not unheard of. Try it, maybe three will be just fine.
As far as balancing, putting a reel on a rod for balance is touchie. First off, empty reel on rod, then reel with line and backing, and finally, reel line backing and about 30' of line out the tip of the rod. It has now changed balancing point three times.....so just find what feels good and go for it.
[font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4]
[cool]Okay so I am a sucker for a deal. Picked up a Thomas & Thomas 7' 2wt rod for $256, $300 off the regular price. While it was one of BM's demo rods found nothing wrong with it. Did try it out with a 3wt line and it casted just fine. At home I placed my 3wt Orvis Mid Arbor on the rod and tried it out in my back yard. While it was quite windy there, still able to get sufficient line out with out any problem. With the 3wt reel it felt a bit out of balance, but hey I can deal with that situation. Hell my overall balance isn't that great anyhow. Oh I have MacFly to blame for my investment for he contends that we're always buying stuff that we don't really need. Well I was just doing my part to get the economy going.[
SWEET DEAL......got to love the T&T BLUE
[font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4][cool]BTW my 3wt reel is loaded with a DT line. Oh here I go again FGD but what does the BBDS acronym stand for?[:p][/size][/#008000][/font]
there goes that govt stimulus check.. [sly]
..and dont blame me.. Im the one that said I quit looking at things so I would not buy anything.. [sly]
.. but sounds like you got one heck of a deal and are very happy with your economy boosting purchases.. [laugh]
MacFly [cool]
A typo...BBS....fat finger hit he D while hitting the S