05-23-2008, 11:10 AM
The first of three public meetings to encourage public participation in New Jersey's Wildlife Action Plan will be held at Lord Sterling Park in Bernardsville on June 10th from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The public meetings are being sponsored by the Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey. Anyone interested in rare wildlife and its management in New Jersey is encouraged to attend to learn how they can make a difference.
<br>New Jersey's Wildlife Action Plan (Plan) was developed by the DEP's Division of Fish and Wildlife, with help from the general public, the state's conservation groups and other stakeholders. The Plan is a comprehensive blueprint which identifies the threats facing our wildlife populations and establishes long-term goals and conservation actions aimed at maintaining those populations.<br>
<br>Since the development of New Jersey's Wildlife Action Plan, stakeholders from across the state have been involved in prioritizing implementation of the plan. The time has now come to involve the public in the Plan. The goal of these meetings is to provide information about the Plan, show how partner groups are working to protect rare and imperiled wildlife in the state and engage the public in thinking about how everyone can participate in its implementation.<br>
<br>Conservation partners from state, federal and non-profit agencies will provide information on their wildlife and habitat conservation projects in a fair-like setting, which encourages participants to identify and discuss actions they can take to enhance and protect the state's rare and imperiled wildlife. Partners who will be present include the Division of Fish and Wildlife's Endangered and Nongame Species Program, Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey, NJ Audubon, The Nature Conservancy, USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service, Morris County Park Commission and others.<br>
<br>The dates and locations of identical meetings for central and southern New Jersey will be announced in the near future. For more information on the Bernardsville meeting contact the Conserve Wildlife Foundation of NJ at debbi.nichols@conservewildlifenj.org or (609) 984-6012.
<br>New Jersey's Wildlife Action Plan (Plan) was developed by the DEP's Division of Fish and Wildlife, with help from the general public, the state's conservation groups and other stakeholders. The Plan is a comprehensive blueprint which identifies the threats facing our wildlife populations and establishes long-term goals and conservation actions aimed at maintaining those populations.<br>
<br>Since the development of New Jersey's Wildlife Action Plan, stakeholders from across the state have been involved in prioritizing implementation of the plan. The time has now come to involve the public in the Plan. The goal of these meetings is to provide information about the Plan, show how partner groups are working to protect rare and imperiled wildlife in the state and engage the public in thinking about how everyone can participate in its implementation.<br>
<br>Conservation partners from state, federal and non-profit agencies will provide information on their wildlife and habitat conservation projects in a fair-like setting, which encourages participants to identify and discuss actions they can take to enhance and protect the state's rare and imperiled wildlife. Partners who will be present include the Division of Fish and Wildlife's Endangered and Nongame Species Program, Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey, NJ Audubon, The Nature Conservancy, USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service, Morris County Park Commission and others.<br>
<br>The dates and locations of identical meetings for central and southern New Jersey will be announced in the near future. For more information on the Bernardsville meeting contact the Conserve Wildlife Foundation of NJ at debbi.nichols@conservewildlifenj.org or (609) 984-6012.