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[cool] Well the wind just won't go away. I'm sick of complaining about it , but it is just sticking around like a lost puppy. Yes we are still having some good to excellent trips, but it has been a grind. We can handle some strong winds on our bay system, but 20mph-30mph from the SW is just horrible. I'm sure glad we fish out of a 24ft. Kenner! Anyway about fishing my brother and I have been catching some nice size trout over the past week. We have had atleast 10 trout in the 4 pound range and 4 over 25 inches. Some trips have produced 15-27 trout and some (WINDY DAYS) we have been able to catch 10-15 trout. I consider that great for the crazy conditions we have had to deal with. We have also been able to box some good size sand trout and whiting. I have also noticed that the big gafftops are moving in. I bring that up because big schools of trout are usually right behind them and the bays traditionally turn on when they arrive. We are still using live shrimp under a cork to catch our trout , but the second the open bays clean up we will switch to croaker. As for locations it all depends on the wind. Lower West bay, up and down the Causeway, Campbells area and TX city shoreline up to Dollar has held the best water. The south shoreline in East bay has also had some decent catches for waders. Best advice look for slicks and nervous bait, be patient , but after 30 minutes or so without a bite move to another area. Sometimes moving 50 yards can make a big difference. If you want to check out some pictures from our recent trips - check out our home page. I want to congratulate my brother for winning 1st place in the PaSadena Police Dept. annual fishing tournament. He weighed in 3 trout at 12.80 pounds in the pro division. His big trout was 6.84. Way to go Bro. Anyway until next time. See you on the water.
Capt. Alan
Galveston Fishing Charters
Galveston Fishing Charters
Thanks for the report,

keep them commin...[cool]