So with the big weekend over, howd everyone do that braved the cold, wind, rain and snow [:p]
Let's hear the stories begin [cool]!!!!!!
My wife and I went to Dog Creek on the toons and scored 4 trout and 1 small bull head. The breeze kept us busy used up all my battery towing her around but we had a great day.[cool]
I'll post my weekend on this thred instead of the Henrys Lake thread. I can't compete with those guys[blush]. I Started the day out at Warm River, but didn't have much action there, so I made the trip up to Henrys. I only landed two, but one was my biggest cutthroat ever. (though nothing like some I saw up there). Then on the way home I stopped at the Buffalo River for some brookie action. All in all it was a pretty good day.
For the record I go to Henrys and get skunked regularly.[

] It just so happens that this time was an exceptional weekend. Where were you fishing? Was it out of a tube? The purple show girl was my go to fly this weekend. What did you use on Henrys?
My good friend is fish and game at Henry's. This is only her second year, but I will agree, this year was unusual. Reports of allot of 16" to 24" fish with some bigger.
I have fished Henry's for many years and it is a Technical Lake, but once you unlock the secret, you got it made.
Last year had some BAD! days and some kill from the folage. This year, allot of water, and cool longer. I do think that made all the difference on Opening.
I have had 35 fish in 4hr days but far and few. It really doesn't matter how MANY you catch cause ONE can be the best of your life. It is a Trophy lake (and by that I mean, everyone has a different Trophy. For one a 24" for others 35") not a numbers lake. The two do meet from time to time[cool]
Thanks for the sympathy [

]. I caught both of my fish on a spinning lure while wading by the hatchery. I tried several flies, including some that I was told Mr. Sheis himself recomended that very morning.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining at all. Henry's is an amazing place, one of those fish would make my day.