Today was my first visit to the Strawberry River below Soldier Creek Dam. Now, I don't want to post an advertisement here that will cause the river to get pounded elbow to elbow over the next few days, but I have to say that it may be the most beautiful river that I have ever fly-fished in my life. What was unique was that I had it all to myself, which I found to be unbelievable for a river of that caliber. I only caught two browns while I was there, each about 15 inches. However, they had to be some of the healthiest fish for their size that I have ever caught! I couldn't believe how hard they fought for their size. One nearly took me into my backing. The reason that I am posting this information is just to get some broad feedback about the river. I actually fished it on a whim based on the suggestion of a local fly shop in the Provo/Orem area. So I really know little about the stream except that it was worth a try. I was told that there were a lot of brook trout, though I didn't seem to see any or hook up with them. Anyhow, any information would be greatly appreciated. By the way, does anyone else think that the Strawberry would just as well be named the Little Green River.
Right on good to hear you got out. Ya that area is beatiful and pristine.
How are the roads ? Any snow left up there ?
The road I took was clear and in good shape. There was a little bit of snow here and there along the banks of the river, but for the most part, things were pretty clear.
Nice !!! Ive been dieing to get out to strawberry or current creek but seems I never get the time anymore. I use to do pretty well up there on leach patterns and buggers see any hatches ???
There were plenty of PMD nymphs in the water and a few on the surface. I actually caught a brown, had one on for a bit that I lost, and had a couple other strikes on a PMD dry. I caught the other on red midge larvae - a small serendipity (probably a size 22) would describe the pattern about right. There were plenty of midges on the water and they were slurping very sporadically. They were pretty picky with that though. I would have experimented more with emergers if I had been more equipped in my arsenal. My fly tying vice is in storage so that has made things rough. Hope that helps.
Yes, that river is gorgeous. Question for you: how far down did you go? I ask because the last time I fished it was several years ago in late May, and the little creek that enters the river about a mile down or so was running wild and muddying up things and I couldn't fish that low. Only from the dam down to there was fishable. Did you find similar conditions?
Also, fishing in the beaver ponds is always fun, but the fish are not easy to catch in there and spook easily, but when you do hook one, they are super nice fish.
Yes the Strawberry River is a jewel and must be protected. It should not be advertised on a site like this. Certain things are better learned the hard way.[

I got to disagree with that last post, The Strawberry River is open to the public and should be enjoyed by the public.
I dont mean to step on toes here but people are going find out about the river regardless. Its my opinion is that people should try to educate themselves about the river and its surroundings as much as they can. A board like BFT can update them on the current regulations and private areas. Id hate for some of those areas be closed off because of Joe Smoe didnt now the regs and pissed off a private land owner.
I see your view point in keeping it a secret & Hey I hate crowded fishing as much as the next guy but The Strawberry River is no secret and has been well known as a first rate river for many years.
Define for me what you meant by "a site like this." I personally have shared and gleaned a wealth of fishing knowledge and information here on this site. Honestly I find your comments just a little offensive.
The way I see it is unless you own your own river/lake then it is likely you will encounter other anglers at some point. I would rather have those people be like-minded people (read BFT'ers) who, like me, enjoy frequenting "a site like this." You're here aren't ya! I have a hard time believing your soul purpose on "sites like this" is to police them and protect your secret fishing holes. Which, by the way, if you think the Strawberry River is a secret, then you're not looking very hard.[

No pot shots at this site were meant. I just hate to see a report where the guy states "and I had the whole place to myself". Before the internet old farts like me had to explore for ourselves. Just waxing nostalgic I guess.
Its a horriblly crowded place and when you catch one its tiny. I feel sorry for the soul that wastes their gas going there.
that section of river is protected, artificial lures only, the river is beautiful and the fishing isnt bad, but thats just it. the fishing is ok, the fish are ok, and thats it. i only fish it for the scenery and the small feisty brookies that live down there. there are better rivers in the area then the berry, current has more consistent hatches, bigger fish, more fish, and more runs. pools, and beaver dams on it. i prefer current over the berry below soldier creek, but the scenery cant be beaten on the berry, its one of the prettiest out there, and it's even cooler the farther you go down. these rivers aren't fly fishing meccas by any means, and the drive is pretty hefty from slc for what your getting in return.
Hey guys - I appreciate everyone's comments. I certainly hope that I didn't offend anyone with my report, but I am honestly a die hard, conscientious young fly fisherman who gets excited easily about fishing. I am from Pennsylvania, and though I have had some great days on some of central PA's limestone gems (including one with 20 fish, 4 over 20 in, and one 24 inch brown), I do feel inclined to say that the fishing in Utah is simply more consistent and better. I have just been thrilled to explore the waters of Utah but hardly know where to start because there are so many. A river like the Strawberry may seem ordinary to some, but to me it is a real gem. I had a pretty soothing and renewing experience while there. Thanks everyone for your comments and if there is any direction you could give to me to assist in my exploration of Utah's fine fly-fishing, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.