Fishing Forum

Full Version: went fishing yesterday
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I didn't have much luck at all. I was out about 8 hours. Caught 1 fish and I killed that one. :-( I got the hook out but it was bleeding from it's gills and then flopped over and died when I put it back in the water. It was about 3" long at most. I was using a float and with the currant it kept floating back to me. Some guys across the lake were making all kinds of comments about me. I guess they don't know that sound travels great over water. Oh well. Maybe next time will be better.

Chin up, Jason.

It will get better next time and the next time.

It takes "time on the water" to get good at fishing. I was told once that you should learn something every time you go out. Stick with it.

Do you have a de-hooker of some kind? I use a hemostat I bought for a couple of bucks. Even those red plastic ones with a ball at both ends work pretty good and the guy at the sporting goods store should be able to show you how to use it.

Keep it up!