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[left]FISHING REPORT NUMBER 7: 6/5/2008
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[/size][font "Times New Roman,Times New Roman"][size 3]The public is invited to visit the fishway and learn about both it and the fish it passes. During this day, the public can tour the facility and are encouraged to go downstairs and check out the underground viewing window. Shad and lamprey may be seen passing upstream, and Atlantic salmon are sometimes captured for breeding. Staff will be on hand to answer questions. This is a [/size][/font][size 3]GREAT ACTIVITY FOR FAMILIES[/size][font "Times New Roman,Times New Roman"][size 3], and there is no fee. [/size][/font][font "Times New Roman,Times New Roman"][size 3]Directions can be found at the end of the Inland Report section.
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[/size][font "Times New Roman,Times New Roman"][size 3]On Tuesday (June 3) over 14,000 catchable size channel catfish were released into thirteen CT water bodies, marking the second year that DEP has stocked channel catfish into the state’s waters. DEP also added an additional area to its Urban Fishing Program, Lakewood Lake in Waterbury. Approximately [/size][/font][size 3]5,200 [/size][font "Times New Roman,Times New Roman"][size 3]14-18" catfish were released into the five Urban fishing Areas, [/size][/font][size 3]Lakewood Lake [/size][font "Times New Roman,Times New Roman"][size 3](1,250 fish), [/size][/font][size 3]Bunnells Pond [/size][font "Times New Roman,Times New Roman"][size 3](Bridgeport – 1,500 fish), [/size][/font][size 3]Keney Park Pond [/size][font "Times New Roman,Times New Roman"][size 3](Hartford – 500 fish), [/size][/font][size 3]Lake Wintergreen [/size][font "Times New Roman,Times New Roman"][size 3](Hamden/New Haven – 1,200 fish) and [/size][/font][size 3]Mohegan Park Pond [/size][font "Times New Roman,Times New Roman"][size 3](Norwich – 750 fish). Additionally, [/size][/font][size 3]9,150 [/size][font "Times New Roman,Times New Roman"][size 3]9-12" catfish were stocked into eight other lakes, [/size][/font][size 3]Black Pond [/size][font "Times New Roman,Times New Roman"][size 3](Middlefield – 1,200 fish), [/size][/font][size 3]Maltby Lakes 2 & 3 [/size][font "Times New Roman,Times New Roman"][size 3](Orange/West Haven – 350 fish each), [/size][/font][size 3]Lower Bolton Lake [/size][font "Times New Roman,Times New Roman"][size 3](Bolton – 2,800 fish), [/size][/font][size 3]Pattaconk Lake [/size][font "Times New Roman,Times New Roman"][size 3](Chester – 800 fish), [/size][/font][size 3]Quonnipaug Lake [/size][font "Times New Roman,Times New Roman"][size 3](Guilford – 1,250 fish), [/size][/font][size 3]Silver Lake [/size][font "Times New Roman,Times New Roman"][size 3](Meriden – 2,400 fish) and [/size][/font][size 3]Lake Wintergreen [/size][font "Times New Roman,Times New Roman"][size 3](750 fish).
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[left]Rivers & streams
[/size][/font][font "Times New Roman,Times New Roman"][size 3]- Although DEP’s spring stocking program was completed last week, anglers should still find plenty of trout waiting to be caught. Good reports last week from the West Branch Farmington, Farmington, Yantic, Shetucket, Willimantic, Salmon, Mianus, Fenton, French and Natchaug Rivers.
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[left]Farmington River
[/size][font "Times New Roman,Times New Roman"][size 3]- West Branch flows continue to be clear and quite fishable, about 300 cfs at Riverton. The Still River is currently providing an additional 60 cfs. Water temperatures are in the mid 50’s °F. Patterns/hatches will include Isonychia (#10), March Brown/Grey Fox (#10-14), March Brown nymph (#10), Vitreus (# 16), Sulphurs (#14-20, just starting), Blue Wing Olives (#18-20), and Rusty Spinners (#18-20), Tan Caddis (#16-18, good all day), Midges (#22-32) and Pale Evening Duns (Epeorus vitreus #14-16).
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[left]Housatonic River
[/size][font "Times New Roman"][size 3]- Water temperatures (mornings) are in the low 60’s °F. Flows are clear, low and very fishable (currently 550 cfs at Falls Village and 810 cfs at Gaylordsville). Current hatches/patterns include Sulphurs (#14-16), [/size][size 3]Isonychia [/size][/font][size 3][font "Times New Roman"](#8-12), Cahill (#12-14), Adams (#12-14, evening), March Brown (#10-12) & Gray Foxes (#14-16) and Green, tan and brown Caddis (mornings and evenings) [/font]
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[left][font "Times New Roman"]Lakes & Ponds [/font]
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[/size][size 3][font "Times New Roman"]Trout fishing remains generally good with reports from Candlewood Lake (lots of trout, try trolling at 10-12’), East Twin Lake, Crystal Lake (Ellington, good action on smaller trout), Beach Pond (good action on fish up to 18"), West Hill Pond and Black Pond (Woodstock). Anglers should be able to find plenty of trout in Squantz Pond. [/font]
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[/size][font "Times New Roman,Times New Roman"][size 3]fishing remains generally good, with bass still on beds in many areas. The good reports include Crystal Lake (Ellington, including several bass over 5 lbs), Bantam Lake, Quaddick Reservoir (some very nice bags, especially from "Stump Pond"), Messerschmidt Pond, Rogers Lake, Gardner Lake, Bashan Lake, Cedar Lake, Lake Saltonstall, Candlewood Lake, East Twin Lake, Ball Pond, Aspinook Pond, Quassapaug Lake and Moodus Reservoir. Mansfield Hollow Reservoir and Pachaug Pond are reporting fair fishing for largemouths and Highland Lake is slow.
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[/size][font "Times New Roman,Times New Roman"][size 3]fishing remains variable, reported to be good at Candlewood Lake (although not as hot as in the previous two springs), fair at Squantz Pond and Bashan Lake, and slow at Gardner Lake and Highland Lake.
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[/size][font "Times New Roman,Times New Roman"][size 3]– Pike fishing is generally fair to slow, with some catches reported from Bantam Lake.
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[/size][font "Times New Roman,Times New Roman"][size 3]– Squantz Pond and Lake Saltonstall are reporting good walleye fishing. Evening/night fishing from boats usually works best for walleye, but at this is the time of year,fishing days and/or from shore can also be productive. Catches at Squantz Pond include a 24" walleye caught mid-morning from the handicap-access fishing deck.
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[/size][size 3][font "Times New Roman"]Fishing for kokanee is picking up at West Hill Pond, with fish up to 15" being caught, try 3.5 colors of lead line (12-30’). [/font]
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[left][font "Times New Roman"]CONNECTICUT RIVER [/font]
[/size][font "Times New Roman"][size 3]– [/size][size 3]STRIPED BASS [/size][/font][font "Times New Roman"][size 3]remain throughout the river, with fair action for schoolies and some catches of keeper-size stripers. Best action and biggest fish (including a number of 40 inch plus fish) are in the lower river and mouth. [/size][size 3]CATFISH [/size][/font][font "Times New Roman"][size 3]angling is good, plenty of fish up to 10 lbs, mostly on chunk bait. [/size][size 3]NORTHERN PIKE [/size][/font][font "Times New Roman"][size 3]fishing is still variable, best reports from Salmon River/Haddam Meadows area. Some [/size][size 3]SMALLMOUTH BASS [/size][/font][font "Times New Roman"][size 3]action reported from the Enfield area. Persistent anglers are beginning to find some [/size][size 3]CALICO BASS [/size][/font][font "Times New Roman"][size 3]action at several of the coves (especially Crow Point). [/size][size 3]LARGEMOUTH BASS [/size][/font][size 3][font "Times New Roman"]fishing is picking up, coves and back areas from below Hartford to Haddam/East Haddam (Keeney Cove, Chapman’s Pond, Salmon River) will be the better areas. [/font]
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[left][font "Times New Roman"]FISHING ACCESS & BOAT LAUNCH INFORMATION [/font]

[/size][size 3][li][font "Times New Roman"]Anglers should be aware that the entire "seawall" area extending from the handicap-accessable fishing pier to the permitted swim area at [/font][/size][size 3][font "Times New Roman"]Squantz Pond [/font][/size][size 3][font "Times New Roman"]is now closed to all public access. [/font][/li][li][font "Times New Roman"]Access to [/font][/size][size 3][font "Times New Roman"]Bantam Lake [/font][/size][font "Times New Roman"][size 3]will be restricted on June 10[/size][size 1]th [/size][size 3]to facilitate an herbicide application targeting several invasive plant species. The state boat launch at Bantam Lake will be closed all day on June 10[/size][size 1]th [/size][size 3]starting from midnight. [/li][/ol][/size][/font][size 3]
[left][font "Times New Roman"]Directions to Rainbow Reservoir Fishway: [/font]
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[left][font "Times New Roman"]From Rt. I-91[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"], take exit 40 to Rt.20 (Bradley Airport Exit). Travel west to the Hamilton South exit. At the end of the exit ramp turn left. Turn right at the first intersection on to Rainbow Road. The fishway is on the left about a quarter of a mile down the road. Look for a cyclone fence and a brown sign with yellow lettering. [/font]

[left][font "Times New Roman"]From Rt.20 East [/font]
[font "Times New Roman"](traveling toward I-91), go past the exit for Bradley Airport and take the Hamilton exit. At the end of the exit ramp turn right. Turn right at the first intersection on to Rainbow Road. The fishway is on the left about a quarter of a mile down the road. Look for a cyclone fence and a brown sign with yellow lettering. [/font]
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[left]Water temperatures in Long Island Sound (LIS) are in the mid 50’s to low 60’s °F. Check out the following web sites for more detailed water temperatures and marine boating conditions:
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[/size][font "Times New Roman,Times New Roman"][size 3]The 2008 winter flounder recreational fishing season has closed.
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[/size][font "Times New Roman,Times New Roman"][size 3]fishing is good for keepers especially in the Race when the tide is ripping. Other consistent spots include the reefs off Watch Hill, Sluiceway, and Plum Gut. School striper fishing has slowed down. The usual striper haunts include the Pawcatuck River, Thames River (really good, especially on the flood tide), Millstone Point, Niantic River (entrance), Connecticut River off Great Island, New Haven Harbor (Sandy Point), Milford Harbor, Housatonic River, Bridgeport Harbor (power plant warm water discharge), Saugatuck River, and the Norwalk Islands.
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[/size][font "Times New Roman,Times New Roman"][size 3]are in the Race, Sluiceway, Plum Gut, and Millstone Point outflow, but fishing is just fair.
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[/size][font "Times New Roman,Times New Roman"][size 3]fishing has also slowed down at the usual spots: the Mystic, Niantic, and Connecticut Rivers.
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[/size][font "Times New Roman,Times New Roman"][size 3](fluke) fishing was good for doormats but then dropped off over this past week (fishing is fair at best).
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[/size][font "Times New Roman,Times New Roman"][size 3](porgies) are on the local reefs but are not in big number yet so don’t expect great action.
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[center]For regulation updates, please check our web site
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79 Elm Street, Hartford, CT 06106