One needs at least 12 sq inches of International orange material at least 12 inches above the water for float tubing in California. What are some come ways that you guys achieve this?
[font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4][cool]As I understand it that doesn't apply to all lakes. I have an orange patch that I carry with me in case it is required on a given piece of water. I also carry a small air horn whether I'm float tubing or not.[/size][/#008000][/font]
on my current float tube there is a patch of orange already on the seat of the tube.. when TN2 gave that tube to me that patch was pretty worn.. so I went to Michaels and bought some material paint and redid the area.. it looks good to me..
I also know that TN2 uses an orange tshirt pulled over the seat back to meet that regulation...
btw.. because of that regulation, when I get a new tube I am hoping it will be one of the bright colored ones (orange, red, yellow) so that I am very visible on the water..
.. those regs also state the tuber must have either a whistle or air horn with them to warn approaching boaters.. I have both but after testing the whistle I will be more trusting of the air horn than the whistle.. and you can pick up one of those air horns for a few bucks at walmart.. Id say well worth the investment..
MacFly [cool]
I have one of the air horns and a whistle. The whistle has worked to let my buddy know that I am near by on a wooded small stream that meanders about. The trouble was with me is that I could not tell whether he was above or below me.
The whistle would work on a lake if some one was about to run you over with their float tube. But for a motor boat the air horn is the only thing that has a chance of working.
My understanding would be that the orange needs to start at least 12 inches above the water line. I think my tube is not much higher than 12 inches above the water line.
I need to figure something else out.
one thing I have heard or may or read is to use a orange safety vest.. I would think those could be put over the seatback of the tube much like tn2 does with a t shirt.. or you could wear the vest since your body is.. or could be more out of the water than the body of the tube..
these vests can be gotten at walmart for a few dollars.. and Id say well worth the investment..
MacFly [cool]
I generally have a fishing vest on when in the tube but I probably should look at just using the bags that are on the tube. There are plenty of them. In Colorado I did not like that idea because it would mean I would forget to get something out of the tube for stream fishing. Not likely to be a big issue here in San Diego.
Using an orange vest may be the option. Will have to see if the T-shirt will work on the back of the tube. Also have to see if it will be over 12 inches up from the water.
..I am not sure how strictly the 12 in above the water is enforced.. have seen a number of tubes on water with nothing near what they were suppose to have..
let us know if that vest idea works..
as I keep thinking about this.. does the reg say it has to 12 in square.. or a total of 144 sq ins.. ??? just curious..
MacFly [

As I remember it is 144 sq inch. I absent mindedly typed 12 sq inches.
I was wondering if any one was going to bring that up.
at first I didnt think about it since 12 x 12 is 144.. but then I kept thinking more and that is why I asked.. we all know that regs change and it could easily be that it was changed to 12 x 12 instead of a total of 144 sq in..
that is another reason why I keep looking at orange tubes so I wont have to worry if I have enough orange to meet the regs.. :-)
MacFly [cool]
On a number of occasions I have had trout try to eat my hot orange indicator.
Don't be surprised if some fish thinks you are a very large indicator.
LOL.. if there is a fish in the waters that I fish that is big enough to consider me a tempting orange morsel to munch on the I don t want to be in those waters.. LOL...
MacFly [cool]
[font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4]What site did you all find the regulations regarding the wearing of an orange 144sq" patch while float tubing? I recall reading about it's use on selective waters but couldn't find any mention of it at the California F&G site.[/size][/#008000][/font]
My magination is playing tricks on me. I thought I saw it in the fishing regulations some where but now I can't. It would not be there anyways. It should be in the boating regulations. Which it is not.
Thank you for pointing that out.
Here are the California boat safety requirements in case anyone is are interested in boning up:
[url ""][/url]
Ill be honest and tell ya that I got my info from one lake web sites that used to allow tubing .. till those damn quaggas showed up.. [mad]
MacFly [cool]
As was mentioned, I do use an orange Tshirt or sometimes the cheapo safety vests from Home Depot.
Some people don't realize that the US Coast Guard wrote and enforces this regulation. They do require it in many different bodies of water throughout the US.
I have fished in lakes that don't allow motor boats so they are a little more relaxed on the Orange issue. Others have come out to measure the amount of exposed orange when I am sitting in the tube.
I have tubed the salt enough to know that if I am going to be around any kind of small craft traffic, that the orange alone is not enough. Whistles, airhorns and a 357 is what it takes to get some peoples attention on the water especiall after they have consumed some of their favorite malt beverage in over moderation.[crazy]
Yes, Red Hair Counts
Everyone knows that you REALLY don't want to p...... perturb a red headed woman.
I don't think we really have a choice in the matter do we?........Just kidding there sis.....Don't hit me.. LOL
There is nothing in the Coast Guard book against the red hair. It does help since Lucille Ball and Carol Burnett helped to write some of the rules.[:p]
never heard of a regulation like that before, it is not required here, but out on the lake i can sure see the use for it, especially for my boy.
Same here. Except for HUNTING. But the brighter you are the better. That is why I have red hair LOL