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Full Version: Two brace of twenty inchers(wipers and walleye)
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Wiperslayer and I made an afternoon run to Willard, we got on the water around 4:30 and were off around 8:30. We started off near the freeway and saw Lunkerhunter and son there, I think we also saw Fishinfool but did not confirm it was him. Caught a 20 in walleye right off the bat, then caught a couple of smaller wipers before we started trolling toward the feedlot. An hour or more later we started catching in earnest and it started off with five drag screaming runs. I thought it was going to be a monster wiper but it turned out to be a twenty incher. A few more of the smaller eyes and wipers then another twenty inch eye came a calling. It was getting late by this time but we were till catching fish when another drag screaming twenty inch wiper came to play[Smile]. Another eye and wiper soon followed and it was time to call it a day. It was a great afternoon on the water. How did the rest of you guys do out there today? WH2
Man! I've got to get a kicker for my boat. Sounds like a good day, what were the temps?
Good report Curt. Wish I could of made it yesterday. This year has been one problem after another for me, Boat repairs, truck repairs and work has kept me off the water. Hope to get my truck back this wednesday.

Keep the reports coming.
Way to go Curt and Ira.
Thanks guys, it was a fun afternoon. Water temp was 65* when we arrived but quickly dropped to 61* with in an hour and when the catching really got good the water temp had dropped down to 59*[:/]. I sure hope you boat is ready to go by the weekend[Wink].
I saw you fellas out there. We didn't get into the eyes like you did but we did manage 3 wipers over 20. All the rest were in the 17 inch range.
We managed 6 smaller wipers and lost a 26" or so eye at the boat[mad] Not real great day for us. That was Tony BTW. They did better than me.[cool]
Still sounds like ya all had a good day up on Willard.
Yeah, it was still a good time. Gage got to reel all of the fish in but one. The gnats are in overdrive.[mad]
Yep that was me,we got on the water around 11:00 am,got off the water at 8:00 PM,I took my brother-in-law and I am glad I did cause I would have only caught four fish for the day,he caught twenty one by him self? I don't understand how that works but it does happen allot we where using the exact same bait.we didn't break the twenty inch mark though,got three at nineteen inches and they got smaller from there,I didn't think the day was going to be that good with the water temp at 61.3 up to 67.8 in a few of the area's we fished.I was all over the lake and three spots produced.we caught all are fish on rattling rapala's in three different colors.bring on the heat,the water temp should be in the 70's by now?
PM me if you want more details.
Its not the boat this time its my truck. Got it in the transmission shop for the second time in 3 months. I got a loner truck from my step father, so I will be ready this weekend.