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[size 2]FISHING REPORT NUMBER 8: 6/12/2008


Rivers & streams - Good reports last week from the West Branch Farmington (catches include browns up to 20”), Housatonic, Saugatuck, Mill, Salmon, Natchaug, Mianus, Willimantic, Shetucket, Naugatuck, Pomperaug and Hammonasset Rivers.
Farmington River - West Branch flows are clearing (following the recent thunderstorms) and moderate to low, currently 140 cfs at Riverton, plus an additional 160 cfs from the Still River. Water temperatures are in the mid to high 50’s °F. Hatches/patterns include March Brown nymphs (#12-14), Gray Fox (#14, afternoon), Isonychia (#10 evening), Sulfurs (Invaria #16 hatches mid-day, Dorothea #18-20 evening hatch), Blue Wing Olives (#18-22, mid-late afternoon), Caddis (tan #16-18, all day; green #22-26, evening), Midges (#22-32) and Pale Evening Duns (Epeorus vitreus #14-16, afternoon & early evenings).
Housatonic River - Flows are clearing, moderate-high and dropping, currently 1,270 at Falls village and 1,750 at Gaylordsville. Morning water temperatures are in the mid to high 60’s °F. Major insect hatches are here and will begin to provide excellent fly fishing, especially when the spinners start up. Alder/Zebra Caddis (#10-12, just starting), Sulphurs (#14-16), Blue Wing Olive (#18-22, early morning; spinner fall in evening), Isonychia (#8-12 evening, just starting), Cahill (#12-14), Adams (#12-14, evening), March Brown (#10-12) & Gray Foxes (#14-16) are producing. Green caddis (#14-20, early morning & evening) are on the water.
Lakes & Ponds – Trout fishing remains generally good with reports for trout from Saugatuck Reservoir, Lake Saltonstall, Alexander Lake, Crystal Lake, Coventry Lake, Lake Quonnipaug, Gardner Lake, Highland Lake, East Twin Lake, Mashapaug Lake, Beach Pond, Squantz Pond, Candlewood Lake, Bigelow Pond, Ball Pond, Black Pond (Woodstock), Mt. Tom Pond, Christensen’s Pond, Long Pond and West Hill Pond.

LARGEMOUTH BASS fishing is generally good with reports from Aspinook Pond (including a 6-lb bass), Wonoscopmuc Lake, Coventry Lake (good action on 12-14” bass), Gardner Lake, Moodus Reservoir, Great Hollow Pond, Bashan Lake, Bantam Lake, Quaddick Reservoir, Beseck Lake, Silver Lake (Meriden), Scoville Reservoir, Lake Saltonstall and Mudge Pond. Largemouth fishing is reported as fair at Pachaug Pond, Candlewood Lake, Lake Lillinonah, Squantz Pond, Hatch Pond and Morey Pond and mixed reports from Amos Lake (recent catches do include a 6-lb bass), Mansfield Hollow Reservoir and Lower Bolton Lake.
[size 2]SMALLMOUTH BASS[/size][size 2] fishing is generally fair with reports from Candlewood Lake (still plenty of catches, but definitely not as good as the last several years), Coventry Lake, Mashapaug Lake, Squantz Pond and Rainbow Reservoir. Gardner Lake is slow. River smallmouth action on the Housatonic River should be picking up.

CATFISH – Fishing for the recently stocked catfish has been good with reports from Keney Park Pond, Lake Wintergreen and Silver Lake. The other locations recently stocked are Bunnells Pond (Bridgeport), Mohegan Park (Norwich), Black Pond (Middlefield/Meriden), Lower Bolton Lake (Bolton), Quonnipaug Lake (Guilford), Silver Lake (Berlin/Meriden), Pattaconk Lake (Chester), Maltby Lakes 2 & 3 (Orange/West Haven) and Lakewood Lake (Waterbury).

NORTHERN PIKE fishing remains spotty, some catches reported from Winchester Lake, Bantam Lake, Pachaug Pond and Mansfield Hollow Reservoir.

KOKANEE - Some action reported from West Hill Pond (3-4 colors of lead line).

WALLEYE catches reported from Lake Saltonstall, Squantz Pond, Batterson Park Pond and Saugatuck Reservoir.
[size 2]CONNECTICUT RIVER[/size][size 2] – Some STRIPED BASS can still be found throughout the river, but much of the action and the biggest fish will be found are in the lower river and mouth. Early mornings, surface poppers are providing some good action, and as the day warms up, shift to trolling tube & worm and casting soft plastics.

With warming temperatures, CATFISH angling is good and getting better with the warming water temperatures. Cats (up to 8 lbs) are being taken on big chunk bait.

NORTHERN PIKE continue to be elusive, best action should be in coves (Wethersfield, Crow Point, Keeney, Wrights, Salmon River) and the mainstem from Portland bridge down through the Haddam Meadows area.

LARGEMOUTH BASS action is fair, with some anglers having to really work to find fish.

Anglers should be aware that the entire “seawall” area extending from the handicap-accessable fishing pier to the permitted swim area at Squantz Pond is now closed to all public access.

Water temperatures in Long Island Sound (LIS) are in the low 60’s °F. Check out the following web sites for more detailed water temperatures and marine boating conditions:
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STRIPED BASS fishing is fair. Striper spots include the reefs off Watch Hill, the Race, Sluiceway, and Plum Gut. Other locations include Thames River, Millstone Point, Niantic River (entrance), Connecticut River off Great Island, New Haven Harbor (Sandy Point), Housatonic River (Milford Point), and the Norwalk Islands.

BLUEFISH most consistent fishing spots include the Race, Sluiceway, and Plum Gut.

HICKORY SHAD fishing is also fair in the Niantic and Connecticut Rivers.

SUMMER FLOUNDER (fluke) fishing is fair to good throughout LIS.

SCUP (porgies) fishing is fair to good on the local major reefs.

For regulation updates, please check our web site [/size][url ""][#006699][size 2][/size][/#006699][/url][size 2]
79 Elm Street, Hartford, CT 06106[/size]