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Full Version: Attention!!! All fisherman should read this
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If you visit this website you will not want to spread Zebra or Quagga Mussels! You will be astonished at the impact already at Lake Mead Nevada! And the Fish Hatcheries!!!!

Please all BFTers should visit this website. All of us should take extra extra extra caution to not spread this mussel.

By watching the videos at this website you will know how to prevent mussels from spreading.

There are some solutions in one state I read, they found out this bacteria it wrecks the mussels intestines.

To me this problem sucks! I know I don't want to give bad news here at BFT but lets not "whistle past the graveyard" on this issue!

Here is the link: [url ""][/url]

Hope this helps you can also email of course if you have any questions at the website.

Lets not let these "invaders" come to Utah.

Too make matters worse they are in Lake Pleasant Arizona! So they are spreading!

[:p][#000000][font "Arial"][size 4]One thought here somebody that visits Lake Mead can catch Quagga Mussels and plant them in Utah Lake. It would "help" get rid of all the carp. But it would of course make it much more difficult for the June Suckers! Ha ha!

But hey it would make Utah Lake look like it did in the olden days. Kidding!