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Fished the weber by my house tonight and it is still running high and a little off colored. I threw rapalas until dark and ended up catching 3 browns. Two went in the 18-19 inch range and one 15 incher. Had 3 other hits and 2 follows. The river needs to clear up a little bit more and fishing will get better.
I fished near Hennifer on friday. caught 6 or 8. Nothing big but they were all fat. They must have ate really good when all of the fish died at echo and floated downstream last spring. Dan
yes the fish were very healthy and not a mark on them. I was fishing below the mouth of the canyon in the south weber/uintah area. I only saw 1 other set of tracks along the river. Since they shut down the freeway access to the river the pressure has dropped of a ton. The only drawback is that the river is so overgrown it's hard to access the water.