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My dad and I are having a little bit of an argument(good nature) about if the weight of the test will effect your fishing, higher the test the less bites you will get. Any suggestions about this.
Some truth to that. I use the smallest test I can for freshwater fish. Salt water it never seemed to make a difference for me. If you fish in weed beds, it shouldn't matter.
Sounds like you should set up a little tourney and see who can outfish whom...
I can't say I have had any first hand experience that would suggest heavier line scares the fish away, but I have heard people suggest as light a line as possible for trout. For that reason, I use a 4 lb leader. For bass, I throw 12 lb mono and 20 and 30 pound braid of similar thickness with no less luck than when I was using 8 lb braid (3 lb mono diameter).