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[cool][#0000ff]Shoulda stood in bed. Got to Starvation Friday, before 7 AM, hoping for some early eyes. Started at Rabbit Gulch. The good news is that they have paved the cratered road all the way to the camp area. The bad news was that there was a cold north wind and the water temps were only 53. Too cold for perch and there was nothing on sonar clear across the channel or along a stretch of the other side. Tried from 10 feet to 35 feet. Caught one six inch perch. Yeee hawww.

Water level is way up from the low levels of last year. (see pics) That is good. Bad is the thick coating of green ooze over everything beneath the surface...from shallow out to over 20 feet deep. Could not bottom bounce with anything...without covering it with slimy green goo.[/#0000ff]

[#0000ff]Bailed out of Bunny Gulch just after 9. No need fishing where the fish ain't. Decided to try finding the back road into Saleratus Wash. Looked easy on the Google Earth map. It wasn't. Followed several dirt roads cutting off the main oil pipeline road but always ended up at a dead end...a long ways from the lake. After 25 miles of bad roads, we came out on a paved road...heading back to Duchesne. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Decided to drive up to Knight Hollow and launch on the east side of Saleratus Wash. Got behind a big truck going up the dirt road and ate a lot of dust before being able to get around it. More time wasted off the water. Finally got launched at Knight Hollow about 11. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Water temps were about 59 in Saleratus. Much better. But with a bright sun, clear water and no breeze to ripple the water, I was not optimistic about hanging any walleyes. And, we had to leave early to get TubeBabe back for an appointment with her nail salon. Fishing vs foo foo.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Worked in and out...from 12 feet to 30 feet along the south side of the area. Most of the best fishing has been along the north side, but I liked the looks of the rocky shoreline on the south. Only saw a few fish on bottom. Quite a few suspended fish in deeper water, but no biters.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Just after tieing on one of my "pale perch" painted body jigs...and adding a piece of perch meat...I was casting into shore along the rocks. I recall thinking "Man, I am only one dink perch ahead of being skunked today." Then, my little jig stopped and I felt the "rubber band" feel that signals FISH. I instinctively set the hook and went bendo with my first walleye of the year. A purty little phat 18 incher. Life was good and looking better.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Working along that rocky shoreline I caught several small smallmouth over the next hour or so. Then, it was time to work back to the car for departure. TubeBabe was still fishless for the day. I moved upwind to get away from the smell of skunk. As I went by her, I noticed a few fish marks on the bottom in about 18 feet of water. Sent down one of my pale perch colored Roadrunners. On about the second lift and drop, the drop stopped too soon. Again, I instinctively raised the rod, felt weight and set the hook into my second wallie. This one was only 14 inches, but gave me much pleasure.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We loaded up our gear and started to drive home. But, when TubeBabe looked for our small cooler, with the food and drinks, she couldn't find it. Then, I had a mental picture of us leaving it beside the car as we loaded up. We drove back and found that we had run over it as we turned to go up the dirt embankment. Our goodies were strewn over the gravel and our lovely Little Debbies cookies were melted and smashed. Bummer. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]At that point we had not consciously thought anything about it being Friday the 13th. On the way up the hill, between Heber City and Jordanelle Dam, we got an awareness call. The car started making "noises" and then BOOM. A puff of smoke out the back, all the lights went on and we were toast. I was in the right hand lane so I was able to steer off the road and onto the dirt. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]TubeBabe had her cell phone (all the bars on that hill) and we got a tow truck. Got a tow truck from Park City very quickly. Coulda been worse. TubeBabe called to cancel her nail appointment. That wasn't gonna happen. The good news. We were wondering if we had enough gas to get back to Salt Lake, after all our driving. The bad news is that we did. The tow truck saved us some gas. It was when we were filling out the papers for the tow service that we were reminded of the date...Friday the 13'th.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We called our mechanic and told him we were bringing him the car. He promised to wait until 6. At 5:15 we were at the mouth of Parleys and looking good for getting to the shop in plenty of time. Just after we passed the Foothills Rd. turnoff...our last chance of escape...we reached the end of a LOOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGG lineup of cars. Just as we came to a stop, the radio announced that there had been an accident at about 4th East and that anybody on I-80 should seek "alternate routes". Yeah, right. Friday the 13th again.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Didn't get to the shop until well after 6. But, our mechanic had heard about the tieup and had waited. That was good. The other good thing was that TubeBabe's sis and her husband showed up with their truck to load up our gear and take us home. Now we wait until Monday to get "the rest of the story"...and find out how much our Friday the 13th cost us in car repairs.[/#0000ff]
[Image: image.gif] [url ";postatt_id=37101"][#63626b]BUNNY GULCH LAUNCH.jpg[/#63626b][/url] (254 KB)
[Image: image.gif] [url ";postatt_id=37102"][#63626b]GREEN GOO EVERWHERE.jpg[/#63626b][/url] (221 KB)
[Image: image.gif] [url ";postatt_id=37103"][#63626b]2008 HIGH WATER.jpg[/#63626b][/url] (201 KB)
[Image: image.gif] [url ";postatt_id=37104"][#63626b]2008 HIGH WATER 2.jpg[/#63626b][/url] (247 KB)
[Image: image.gif] [url ";postatt_id=37105"][#63626b]AUGUST 2007.jpg[/#63626b][/url] (226 KB)
[Image: image.gif] [url ";postatt_id=37106"][#63626b]SALERATUS LAUNCH.jpg[/#63626b][/url] (248 KB)
[Image: image.gif] [url ";postatt_id=37107"][#63626b]AN EATIN 18 INCHER.jpg[/#63626b][/url] (179 KB)
[Image: image.gif] [url ";postatt_id=37108"][#63626b]BITTY BASS.jpg[/#63626b][/url] (178 KB)
[Image: image.gif] [url ";postatt_id=37109"][#63626b]14 INCHER.jpg[/#63626b][/url] (195 KB)
[Image: image.gif] [url ";postatt_id=37110"][#63626b]SHORELINE BOUQUET.jpg[/#63626b][/url] (399 KB)
[Image: image.gif] [url ";postatt_id=37111"][#63626b]TUBEBABE CATCH OF THE DAY.jpg[/#63626b][/url] (234 KB)
[Image: image.gif] [url ";postatt_id=37112"][#63626b]SALERATUS TAKEOUT.jpg[/#63626b][/url] (253 KB)
Sorry about your car, doesn't sound good, but the Little Debbies[:/]. Man that is Sad.[frown]

I be praying for your problem with the car.
[cool][#0000ff]Thanks Michael, but my Jimmy is a heathen and may not be worth the prayerful effort.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]On the other hand, Little Debbie cookies are a religious experience after a day on the water. They were my mother's favorite cookies and while she lived with us we always kept a good supply for her. After her passing we kept stocking them for our own enjoyment...and maybe a bit of remembrance.[/#0000ff]
I can attest to the feeling of being amongst a "higher power" when eating some of Pat's Little Debbies after a long day on the water! [cool]
Boy, it's been a long time since I posted anything on good ol' BFT.

Anywho, Mr. Pat, I want to state that that 18-inch wallie is just about the prettiest fish I've seen displayed on here in a long time. And my "membries" of our wonderful day spent at Rabbit Gulch--when, two years ago?--when you introduced me to float tube fishing is still one of my best fishing experiences.

So sorry to hear about your automotive nuisance. Here's wishing the repairs will be quick and moderate in price.

For the first time in all our correspondence, I believe I will disagree with you on one issue, however. Thirteen is actually quite a lucky number. As there were 13 original colonies during the earliest stages in our nation's history, we still have 13 stars on some of our money--quarters, I believe--and often when you see the eagle on some of our currency, he is holding 13 arrows in his tallons. There are other examples where 13 is used to represent positive and significant things regarding America and religious symbolism. (The reason I know this, is because my eldest son's birthday is on the 13th of Jan. I didn't want him to feel badly about his b-day falling on Friday the 13th on occasion, so I researched a few things.)

It's my pseudo-professional belief that Jimmy just needed to see the car-doc, unfortunately. [Image: bobwink.gif]

As always, great report and stellar pics.

[cool][#0000ff]Hey, good to have you drop in again old friend. Hope things are working out better on the home front.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]My vehicle served me long and well, but does require a motor transplant. At least that is an available remedy. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I am not superstitous (knock on wood). If anything I am a terminal realist and optimist (hopefully). I put no stock in numbers, actions or chants that can supposedly have adverse affects. I believe in "Kay Sarah Sarah" they say in Mexico (I know the real words...just messin' wid it)[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I do believe we have some control over our destiny, by practicing safe procedures and by being properly cautious. No sense in running back and forth across a busy freeway just to prove we are immune from an early and untimely demise. Thus, I always take good care of my vehicles and get good long service from them. But, people...can suffer sudden problems at any time...through no fault or carelessness on our part. Deal with it.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Headed back over to Starvation tomorrow...for a return match. But, just to be safe, I ain't gonna walk under any black cats carrying ladders.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Let me know when you are ready for Float Tubing 202.[/#0000ff]
Good luck and may the walleye be with you.