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Great day at LB. Started out about 7:00 am just south of the launch next to the willows and reeds. Slow. Lost one big 'un and caught a couple of mudders. Moved out to Bird Island and had lots of fun. Only bait we had was frozen red shiners but they worked real good. Biggest cat was a 10 pound male, a 9 pound female, and a few smaller ones. Kept two smaller ones and returned the bigger ones. Nice calm water. Action seemed to slow down around 11:00 so we left. Only a half dozen or so
boats around the island.

First attempt at attaching pictures. Hope I don't get flagged by Tube Dude. If the pics don't appear you'll just have to trust me that we caught some nice ones.
[cool][#0000ff] do good work. Good catchin', good pics and properly posted. We will have to put you on steady.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Oh yeah, the young lady looks like she had a good time too. Too early to call her "Catwoman"?[/#0000ff]
Well done. Especially enjoyed seeing the youngster enjoying herself. Using my great fishing judgement Saturday [:/] debated about whether to head out to Bird Island, when we couldn't find them south of the Utah State Park, or heading north to Lindon. I can obviously see that I made the wrong call.[frown]
Nice work! That one mama kitty is a real toad. Good fish, and a nice looking family.
Way to go dude! I was thinking about heading up to the island but my boat registration expired .Nice looking kitties and that is a huge grin on your girl.[cool]
No, I think I made the bad call!!

[quote kentofnsl]Well done. Especially enjoyed seeing the youngster enjoying herself. Using my great fishing judgement Saturday [:/] debated about whether to head out to Bird Island, when we couldn't find them south of the Utah State Park, or heading north to Lindon. I can obviously see that I made the wrong call.[frown][/quote]