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Full Version: Pataganset Lake
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[size 2]Took Pop out for a day of [Image: fishing.gif]. At 74 he likes to start later now, so we met at 8:30 at the ramp. We fished the NE side in 2-10 ft of water with no takers. Headed for the pads on the north end and started throwing a frog. One good swirl and the worm got tossed next. Fight on finally. Nice 3 1/2lber to break the skunk. 20 mins later another exploded on the frog and actually got hooked. [Image: icon_eek.gif] That went about 2 1/2 lbs. That was it for the day. Pop called it at 12:30. This lake has massive coontail growing. More that it seems than last year.[/size]
Water temp now 80
good to hear your pop's doing well and getting out,

Gas prices has got my pops down "same age" he cant go out on the golf every day now..... good thing he took up bee keeping or he would have nothing to do....