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Full Version: Brook Trout
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[size 1]In an effort to help each other get on the fish, we will be adding a series of posts entitled by the type of fishing we are targeting and would like all users who wish to include their "favorite way to catch these fish", "favorite spots" (doesn't have to be exact), "favorite guides for these fish", "tackle tips", "recommended tackle", "beginner tips", "boating techniques" or any other information you feel would be helpful to other anglers targeting this type of fish.

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[#333366][url ""][/url][/#333366] [/size]
A real good place for brookies is the boulder mountains here in utah. The uintas are about as good, but they aren't quite as big. A fly rod with the right fly, in the middle of the lake on a tube or in waders is a great way. For all of you spintacklers, you can use a fly below a clear bobber, and really do some good.
hey mountainman!!my jack just bought a uglystick fly rod. that will be a good tip for him.i,ll tell him! anyways what is a unitas???? never heard of it!! maybe it ought to go on with dave,s other fishes???? later[Smile][Wink][cool][laugh]
well guys here in vermont i fish with lots of nightcralers for brookies and everythin. but for my brookies in the streams. lakes ponds, i also love usin 2-2/1/2 -3 inch black and silver minnows.i let that guy grab it and TRUCK!!! HAHA HE STOPS FOR A FEW MINUTES EATS IT AND RUNS AGAIN!!! YAHOO! HERE WE GO!! THAT IS SO MUCH FUN!!! HANG ON LIZZIE HERE WE GO!! HAHA WHEN I USE TO GO OUT IN THE boat, we,d use the red and white mepps or black and yeller, or plain gold or silver lour. trollin, or sittin in the boat still. dependin on the weather or sun. i do love gittin my ol rubber boots on go up my moutain brooks with the little trout worms and catchin few fo supper. i,ve had some good times fishin for em!!
I forgot to sign in on that one too!
i think i,d love that. but if i was to go fishin up thru that,s the time ya take your tent and stay awhile!!! make it worth t he trip. no sence of goin up and not stayin for awhile. do ya??? i,ve always wanted to hunt fish in areas like that. i bet beautiful. we have my mt ascutney, killington lots of striaght up and partail mountains, leadin off them, we,re far from bein flat but there are just some that stand out more so thatn like your area it sounds like. i guess what i,m sayin is different terraine. but still beautiful.
well all of ya hve good weekend jack and i are goin to say hi to the brookies for ya. haha we,re gonna take the truck go campin and fishin this weekend. have fun later!!! mare[Smile][cool][laugh]