Fishing Forum

Full Version: Region 3 CAC to meet in Helena on June 12
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Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks' Region 3 Citizens' Advisory Committee will meet in Helena on Thursday, June 12. The meeting will be held at the Wingate Inn (2007 North Oakes) from 1-7 p.m. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend.

<br>The main topic on the agenda is fishing access issues and concerns. There will be ample opportunity for the public to interact with the CAC and invited guests.<br>

<br>The committee is comprised of sixteen citizen advisors with a variety of interests and backgrounds from communities across southwest Montana including Ennis, Dillon, Bozeman, Butte, Gardiner, Livingston, Helena, Whitehall, and Big Sky.<br>

<br>The CAC meets quarterly to provide input and guidance on the many natural resource and management issues addressed by FWP in southwest Montana. All meetings are open to the public.