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Full Version: Yellowfin Tuna
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[size 1]In an effort to help each other get on the fish, we will be adding a series of posts entitled by the type of fishing we are targeting and would like all users who wish to include their "favorite way to catch these fish", "favorite spots" (doesn't have to be exact), "favorite guides for these fish", "tackle tips", "recommended tackle", "beginner tips", "boating techniques" or any other information you feel would be helpful to other anglers targeting this type of fish.[/size]
[center][Image: MESS3307CustomImage278404.jpg][/center][center][font "Arial"]Description: Fusiform, compressed; dark blue above, gray below, fins tinged yellow, finlets yellow, edges black. Snout moderately sharp, mouth terminal. Pectoral fin tip not extending beyond second dorsal fin origin; forsal fins about the same height.[/font][/center] [center][font "Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"]Where found: Offshore on surface and at mid-depths in open seas, usually in deep water. Found in Atlantic waters, from Massachusetts to Brazil. Also found in Pacific waters from Point Buchon, Califormia, to Chile.[/font][/center] [center][font "Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"]Size: Can reach 6 feet in length, and weigh over 400 lbs.[/font][/center] [center][font "Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"]Remarks: A great tasting fish, it is the most valued on all the tunas. Often pursued by fleets of purse-seine boats from around the world. Also a highly prized game fish.[/font][/center]

Hey there theangler,

I remember a wild trip 2 years ago to Catalina island here in California, and on the Victory no less. We had just had so so fishing at the island and were coming back when the skipper starting seeing pods of porpoise or was it dolphin cavorting around about mid-channel. (10 miles from shore and the dock) He yelled for all to get their jig sticks going and before we knew it were into the YTF's like mad. We were able to make two good stops and boated a respectable number all on Tady's I believe.

Sure would like to see them come back this year.

Victory!?!?! noooooo... thats a bad word in my house! haha.... i was talking to chris and aaron, and they were talking about the tuna being caught on the victory a couple of years ago

I think chris forgot to logout after he was done using my computer. Victory is a bad word in MY house!!!!!
