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Full Version: newbie help! american river nimbus flat
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ok this is embarrasing but man i suck, i have no idea what im doing, people catch fish around me and i can't! lol

i need help and tips on what to do. im trying to fish in sacramento american river nimbus flat right of the hazel ave exit.

i see people fly fishing, standing in the middle of the river, fishing off the side next to the dam, catching fish, striper and trout i think.

i think i have the wrong pole, line and bait and stuff.
all i do is get my line stuck and think i have a bite but im really fighting a rock and lose to it.

please help, any suggestions
[Image: happy.gif][font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4]Hi there noodleculture and welcome to the BFT & Ca board. It might help to know what kind of rigging you are using and bait too. With the exception of the fly fishermen [of which I am one] are the other folks spin or bait casting? Are they using live bait or lures? Are they fishing up, down or on the bottom? And do you see any fish feeding on the surface? Before I ever cast a line I check with what is going on around where I plan to fish. If no one else is fishing then I look to see where the fishing might be holding & or feeding. As they say never go into battle without a plan. Let us know whats going on and perhaps you too can say "fish on".[/size][/#008000][/font]
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Welcome aboard noodleculture and thanks for taking the time to register.

I used to frequent the Nimbus Flats back when I lived in West Sac.

That is a good spot for Salmon during the season, Trout, Steel Head and the occasional Striper.

For the Stripers, it is best to use some crawdad imitation. The whole area below the dam is full of them.

The trout there really like Salmon eggs as well as night crawlers.

You may have to switch to smaller Glow Bugs and San Juan worms if you are fly swatting.

Let us know if you need more info. We are glad to share with all who seek advice.[cool]
Wow I am new to this site and am finding all sorts of good info. I am headed to Sacramento next week on business and was wanting to take my fly rod, I will have to look for this place and check it out. Any advice?



Welcome aboard. It is good to know that we have some more Cali members here.

Nimbus Dam is a very nice spot as well as the next several miles below the dam.

We used to fish immediately below the dam off of Hazel Ave. There is an area just East of Hazel Ave that is off limits to fishing becuase of the Spawning Salmon towards the Fall season.

You can't miss it. The fish ladder is there and they usually have orange markers out to designate the protected area.

After that, you can fish anywhere up to Bridge St or Sunrise Blvd. The action is usually very good there.

The water doesn't get too deep so most of it can be done with hip or chest waders.[cool]
Thanks a lot, I willl try it out. What part of Cali are you in? I am in Fresno, they sometimes say that we are in the armpit of the central valley. LOL

I'm in So Cal. I just got back from the chasing winds in TX.

I travel all over with my fishing team but my home base is just north of Los Angeles.

I'm headed up to Bishop area in a couple of weeks. It is just over the Mountains from where you are.

Let me know if you would like to go fishing there and I can send you my number. You would have to go through Yosemite to get there but it is not too far.[cool]