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Full Version: Taking white sturgen out of the water on the river
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Some people aren't very smart. They have posted pictures of them holding 7 & 8 foot sturg completly out of the water in Idaho.
These pics are posted on the bragging board in Sportsmans Warehouse in Riverdale Utah.
Sure would like to see the Idaho F&G take a look at them.
when fish and game say "[size 1][size 1][#000000][size 3]Any sturgeon caught[/size][/#000000]
[left][#000000][size 3]may not be removed from the water and must be released [/size][/#000000][#000000][size 3]immediately." is that implying any part of the sturgeon being taken out, or being completely removed?[/size][/#000000]
[left][size 3]i think fish and game are being too vague with this rule.[/size]
if they are holding the fish completely out of the water thats illegal . the proc says do not remove stugeon from the water if you read the post he said they had it completely out . page 9 and 33 explain it do not remove from the water.
[mad] Ya you S.O B.,S
your on the mark Rog. Just once I'll get get a boat # or something and your ass is ours . Butt face.
A sturgeons body has no skeletal form and by even picking him up out of the water is displacing his body and therfore killing the fish , but not imediatly. we can catch em over and over and again till some punk on 100lb. line horses one up. then has balls to hoist it up for pictures.
Ya beat em, So get in the water with Em. TOO Cold then Stay Home you S.oB'S . This generation of SOME anglers have no respect for anything but themselves . We can't get you all cause ya slip over the border to often.
When ya get a clue Come on back unless ya don't speak EEEEEEEEnglish Ass crack. you know who I'm Taking to.