Fishing Forum

Full Version: Willard 6-24-08
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[fishin] Hit Willard Bay tonight with Majja. We got there around 5:00, in the water by 5:30 ish. Started trolling towards the north dike, had my first wiper on in about 10 minutes, just a little guy, but still a way better start than I usually have.
Trolled along the dike all the way to the west end. I had one more wiper and a crappie in the boat by the time we got there. Never caught a crappie before, this one was 12" and I took it on a rapala I was dragging for wipers.
We headed south for a bit with no luck so we turned back towards the north but further out in the lake. Majja got a nice walleye in the boat, his only catch for the day ( I am glad it was FINALLY my turn to out fish him [Wink]). Started along the north dike again going east, I got a nice fat 18 inch Wiper, best fight I have had from a freshwater fish yet! I loved it, hag him to the boat three separate times, only to hear ZZZZZZZZZ my line goes whizzing back out and had to fight him back in. Almost lost him at the boat, he kept dodging the net and hitting the side of the boat and our basket that was in the water. Majja finally just grabbed my line and got him in the net, great save, I only had a bit of one treble in him, came right off after he hit the floor of the boat. A few minutes later I had another Wiper on. This one fought even harder than the last one, I haven't had this good of a day fishing in a long long time. Got him in, he was 19 inches and 3 pounds. Majja had a couple strikes but couldn't set the hook in them. I had one more good one on, pulled even better than the last two, so of course I am excited as can be, just KNOWING this one will be even bigger. Then the dang thing ran straight at the boat, I couldn't keep up reeling and he got some slack in the line. SPIT there comes my lure out his mouth... never even got to see how big he was.
Thanks for going up there Majja, and thanks for using your boat motor, made my boat go way better than my 3 horse does [Image: bobwink.gif] I had a blast!
I always love hearing the sound of a reel screaming when a nice wiper comes a calling[Wink]. I bet you were surprised when you got that crappie to the boat, I've had that happen once but it sure isn't common. Nice report but would you resize your pictures, they should be no more than 300KB. If you don't know how to resize pictures I can help you but please resize them for yourself if you know how, thanks. WH2
[cool][#0000ff]Your pictures are too large.[/#0000ff]

[url ";forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;page=unread#unread"][#212126]PICTURE POSTING WARNING[/#212126][/url]
I passed you guys heading north right after that wakeboard boat came screaming past us. I had the big umbrella over my boat. I caught 1 walleye, 1 catfish, and 35 wipers with the largest going just over 20". The cat and walleye were both 19" or so.[cool] It was awesome fishing yesterday!
Yea it was a good afternoon. I could not think of a better way to spend it, even though I only boated that one fat eye.

Brody I did not even recognize the boat, but did like the umbrella idea. The wake board boat was [#ff0000]BLEEP [/#ff0000]a bit as they went between us and the dike a couple of times. We never were able to get a good clear pic as the batteries int eh camera were almost dead. What were you using for the Wipers the usual? My eve came on a blue and white X-Rap.

Sorry about the large pics.... I'll resize them in the future.. they just HAD to be that big for those big fishies [Image: bobwink.gif]
OOPS! i hit the report post button the first time. Sorry mods, false alarm.
I was using silver/black rattle traps(the usual).[Wink]
[quote lunkerhunter2]OOPS! i hit the report post button the first time. Sorry mods, false alarm. /quote]

Wow, that is the first time that I have ever had anyone click on that button, and frankly, I didn't even realize that the button existed. It worked as planned, I got an email message.
are the bugs dead yet.usaly the heat gets rid of em
Yea we were on the water until just after dark and there were very few bugs to say the least.
thank god i can start fishing again,i dont mean to be a puss but i cant stand them crawly things,think ill be incerated when im dead so i dont have to put up with em.
They were not unbearable but 2 days ago they were. They should start to thin out soon. The ones you you have to watch out for are the horseflies.[shocked]
i can stand the horseflies at least i can kill them,the horse flies come off the refuge ive got em thick at my house.they drive my horses nuts.
Them ph&%$*rs hurt!
My Brother and I went out on Sunday and had a great day of fishing. I caught a really good Wiper to start the day and it was great. We released a lot of Wipers and took home seven for the deep fryer YUM!! We also brought home one Channel Cat and one nice Walleye.I caught a HUGE Carp and made him into some catfish bait for use on my next cat trip. Anyway, the fishing is great right now at Willard so get your butt off the couch grab the rods and have some fun!! John R.[cool]