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Full Version: Da CURSE is BROKEN!!!
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Da Upper Otay "NO FISH" curse is BROKEN!! I hooked into 5 bass yesterday while out on my H3 and was able to land 2 of them!! Finally, my 1st fish caught on my H3! Best day of fishing I've had all year and I was only out for 5 hours. One thing I did forget to do was take a picture of my tube setup. I'll try to remember to do that this Sunday.

I almost landed a third bass but it jumped about 2 feet out of the water and tossed the hook and worm back at me. One of the hookups/fish that I didn't get to actually see had my pole bent pretty darn good. I'd guesstimate I lost a 4 - 5 pounder that time. The water temp was 80 and them bass are really starting to get active.
[cool][#0000ff]Nice report. Nice fish.[/#0000ff]
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congratulations on the "skunk off".. [Smile] .. that is a nice looking fish.. is that a red reflection of some sort on its dorsal?

MacFly [cool]
I think that the fish was stunned with a paintball gun. [:p]

shoot, grab, snap, release- SGSR (even better than conventional catch and release b/c this way the fish has no holes in its mouth.)[cool][cool][cool]
ahhhhhh another new way of fishing that we all gots to learn.. [Image: happy.gif]

MacFly [cool]
sweet man nice fish! Glad you got to break in that new tube!
Thanks for all the kind comments! macfly55: yes, that red reflection on the bass' back is from the right side pontoon of my H3. It was very sunny by the time I caught that particular fish. Around 10:00 or so.

Can't wait until I can get back out there and land me some more (Sunday:o)
whew.. glad it was a reflection and not the beginnings of some new mutant breed or south bay fish.. hehehe'

MacFly [cool]