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Using a group 24 deep cycle battery, will a bigger trolling motor, like a 36/46/50 lb be more efficient on battery usage than a 30 lb trolling motor?

What I'm trying to say is will a bigger trolling motor not drain a battery as fast as a smaller trolling motor, if run on speed 3? Or will a smaller trolling motor, 30 lb be more efficient on battery power?
I have an older 50# thrust and on 3, I get maybe 5hrs. I use 1 or 2 if there is not a breeze and if there is 3 is where I usually end up. I believe a 30# will do better.
[cool][#0000ff]There are some variables in the efficiency of some motors...based upon power ratings, type of prop, etc. all boils down to basic physics. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]A battery is rated at total amp output. If it is rated at 125 amps, and if your trolling motor sucks 20 amps per hour of operation, theoretically you would get about six hours of continuous operation. But, the voltage/power of the battery would drop too low to power the motor before then. The battery will not go to zero before it cannot run the motor any longer.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Get the best battery you can afford...and will still fit in your toon. Get the power motor you want/need. Then, try some tests to see how much run time you get at different settings. There is no master chart that will give you all of the permutations of battery - motor - setting - run time.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]But, as is true of many cars, having more power and running the motor at less than maximum output can be more efficient than running a lower powered motor on maximum speed for the same amount of time. Enough to justify the additional cost of a larger motor? That is a personal decision.[/#0000ff]
In answer to your question, I believe the newer larger Minn Kota's do get more battery tim.
I had a 5 yr old 30 that finally died. As mentioned wind is the biggest factor. I could get one day of 7 hrs guaranteed.
I recently bought the Monn Kota Maximmum 40. It is not like the 30 with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, but more like a reostat. You just turn the handle and it will start off barely turning the blade...awesome for holding a spot, then it goes 10, 25, 50, 75, 100 meaning power.
I can get two days of 7 hr fishing on this motor and the same battery, so yes, the bigger motor is easier on a battery....BUT! it is a longer shaft so make sure that can work for you.
Just a little hands on info.