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Full Version: Utah Lake's curse- what to do?
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I talked to a fish and game officer a couple days ago at Highland glen, and we talked about the carp in utah lake and how the only way he thought of to get rid of them was to get a very very fine mesh net that stretches across the lake and move it down the lake a foot at a time and remove them

Now I don't see any problems with that at all [:p]
I maintain that there needs to be some sort of million dollar carp contest. haha. Remember when they did the Million Dollar fish contest down at Lake Powell? They tagged a bunch of stripers down there and one of them had a million dollar tag on it. Why not do the same thing at Utah Lake with the carp? Of course, I guess the problem is figuring out a way to encourage anglers to do something other than release the fish once they are caught. Carp dumping stations maybe? I don't know...
There are 2 ways i think you can get rid of all the carp in utah lake .One is drain the entire lake let everything die.Put like a steel drain net by the dam so carp cant get through. Second is close utah lake to all boats and pay commercial fisherman to net the entire lake.If they can reduce the numbers of fish in the ocean imagine what they can do to a small lake.But neither will ever happen so they just need to quit throwing all that money away and just give it to me!!![Wink]
Too many carp live in the canals and slow rivers that feed into the lake to get'em all unfortunately.
