In your opinion, what is the best time of year and time of day to catch pike? I have heard fall was the best but I am still unsure.
Everything that I've read and heard points to the late fall for Pike fishing here in the northeast.
i have found fall, spring, winter in that order is the best time of the year to catch pike.. they realy dont like warm water month's that much..
the best day to catch pike? go pike fishing as a strom frount is rolling in.. overcast rainy day i have found are the best.. pike dont feed at night so the moon phase don't realy mean much to them.
I could write a longer post but just saying "I 2nd" Fuzzyfisher is probably the best way to say it.
right before ice on and immediately after ice off are great times. Remember some pike spawn before the ice is even off the lake and stay shallow for awhile thereafter until waters hit high 60's then it is to deeper water and tougher for most people to catch.
Cloudy and rainy days are the best, as long as there is not thunder. Early spring is the best because there is least amount of weeds in the water and fish are more active.
Personally i like to be on the water right at ice out, in shallow water they are everywhere. I like to use spoons and Rapala X-Raps. Thats what works Best for me up here in PA.
The Fall seems to be better for Big pike. Thats when i tend to favor to X-Raps more, but i also like to use bigger swim baits like the Yum Money minnow in the 5 to 6 inch range.
Hope this helps
![[Image: happy.gif]](
Do you use the X-J 13? I love those things! I have started using them for tigers here in UT the last couple years and they have produced well for me. What is your go-to pattern? Mine is the perch and the orange/black holo.[cool]
No, have not used them yet. What I do use is the XR08 and the XR10. I really like the perch and the clown color. I also use the YUM Money Minnow in the clown color also.
The thing i have found in my area is that the pike dont seem to like real big lures. 4" seems to be a good size. Anything over 6" does not seem to produce as many pike for me. I have no idea why, but thats just how it works for me.
The spoons i use are really small. They are actually trout spoons that are made locally in my area. They only measure about 1.5". And man do the pike love them. I will have to take a picture of one and show u. I bought a 4" spoon of the guy in hopes of doing even better with it, but i have not got anything with it yet??? O well might just be one of those things about fishing i will never understand.
Dawn or dusk but if its overcast then any time of day. Pike are like after dinner mints, if they are stuffed they will still eat if you waive the right desert in-front of them!
Northeast - Lake Ontario
May - June. I fish very slow Storm Kicking minnows in Bay's and channels off of Lake Ontario. The big fish are still holding in those locations after spawn.
June - Aug - I hit smaller Pike in the Bay's and channels simply because the water is too warm to hold the bigger fish. White Spinnerbaits will catch the 21" - 32" inchers all day.
The Big Pike want the cooler more oxygenated water so I go out into Lake Ontario hitting Large rock shoulders or we have several submerged cement docks in about 10-20 feet of water. If you go there in the morning, you look down and see some BIG 40+ ichers down there. Best bet is to use a big Pike jig to pull these guys out. Brown color works best
Sep - Nov. This is where you can fish in any of the locations and hit some big pike. Big 10" kicking minnows at a slow retrieval work fantastic.
Had this and three others on Sunday on a jelly shad, perch looking with orange tail:
The HOG in your avatar? That is a big ol' eye!
I have not been able to get pictures in my post, do I have to have so many posts before it is enabled?
The fish I caught on Sunday is here::
and was caught on one of these:
[inline pike3.jpg][inline pike2.jpg][inline pike1.jpg]
Here is a link to how to load your pictures. It is a little long but good.
[url ";forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;page=unread#unread"]Link[/url]
Hope it helps and looking forward to your pics.
I got these ones for you. That is a GATOR!!!
Try the link Spyder posted and see if you can figure the pic thing out. If not, i will try and help or add them for you.[

Once I dig out my old photos I'll stick one up twice as fat, it spat out five fish when I caught it!
wow nice fish guy
where did you catch him?
Lat 52.086351°
Lon -0.767508°
Thanks, its a place called Great Linford in Buckinghamshire in the UK, the lake is called Parc Farm 2 and is known for its large Catfish.[#ff0000]LINK HAD A FORUM IN IT.[/#ff0000]
nice chian of lake you have there but
U.K is a little to far for me.