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I went camping and fishing with my family for a couple of days in the park.

We left Rexburg at 6:00AM on Wed and arrived at the Norris campground at 8:00AM. You have to arrive early if you want the good campsites facing the Gibbon Meadow. We quickly set up camp and then set up the rods for a couple of hours fishing the Gibbon. I really didn't expect to catch much because this campground stretch gets hammered by everyone from guides to kids fishing banjo minnows. [cool] My eight year old is getting pretty good at flyfishing but I was extremely surprised when he was able to pick up three beautiful brookies in quick order. I ended up catching a brookie and a brown in the couple hours that I fished. The highlight was a much larger fish that came out from under the bank and smashed a caddis. Of course this fish snapped my 6x tippet and that was all she wrote.

That afternoon I fished Yellowstone Lake for two hours. I fished sedge bay because the wind was howling and that was the closest point to Norris that had a small sheltered area. I think I spent an hour and forty-five minutes fishing two shallow. When my wife came back to pick me up I cut across the bay in open water and picked up a really fat 20" cutt.

Thursday my son and I hiked into Grebe Lake. We were the first ones on the lake and started picking up Greyling immediately on small dry flies. I was fishing from a float tube and my son was fishing flies with a bubble. The dry fly fishing did not last long as the wind came up earlier than usual. I decided to make a loop around the lake in order to explore areas I had not previously fished. I ended up catching 13 rainbows with 14" being the largest. I also caught 17 greyling for the day.

If you fish Grebe I would catch a couple of greyling for the novelty and then concentrate on the rainbows. They are not big but they are high fliers. I caught one that hit the leech and launched above my line of sight. For some reason they really like to get air.

I was using green leeches for the rainbows and caught most of the greyling on small pheasant tail or prince nymphs. When the greyling were hitting on top I used size 18 parachute adams.

There were a ton of people who showed up to fish that day. None of them had a float tube and none of them did as well as I was doing. I talked to many of them and they said they hiked in to fish the lake because the bigger rivers are blown out.

When we got back to camp my son caught a couple more brookies on the Gibbon while I cooked dinner.

Overall it was a great family outing with some fun and diverse fishing. In the two days I was there I landed at least one brookie, brown, rainbow, cutt, and greyling.

I will add some pics when I get them off the camera.

Here are a few of the pics from the Yellowstone Trip. The fish were not large but they are beautiful and a challenge.
