Fishing Forum

Full Version: Man-Too-Ah 7/4/2008
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Fished Mantua (Man-Too-Ah) for the first time this year with one intention......taking home bluegills and perch to fill the freezer. Launced at 6:30 and only two other boats were there before me. Not bad for a "holiday". Anyway, after dinking around trying to find larger fish for about half an hour, I found the "spot". Only kept bluegill that were 7.5" and larger. We fished until about 9:45 when all the idiots with ski boats arrived and tore up the place. Ended up with 25 gills (largest was 10") and kept 8 perch (all between 10" and 12.5"). Was back at home and cleaning fish by 11:45. Great day. It sure would be nice to have Mantua as a "wakeless" place. The big motor ski boats really tear up those weeds and they were floating all over the place! One other thing that was noteworthy. Just about 100 yards away from us was a boat with 5 hispanics. They were either the happiest people I have ever seen fishing before or were drinking something stronger than water. They were catching a few fish, but laughing up a storm. Kept us entertained, but I sure wish I could understand what they were saying. Maybe they were laughing at us? Who knows.
Great post. I completely agree with you- Mantua really needs to be wakeless. It's just too small of a pond for people to be going around tearing it up in their boats.

Glad you got some 'gills!