People are starting to get hits. Anybody draw anything yet???
I'm still waiting on the hit [:/]
Nuthin here! Checking the card--frequently!!![:/]
Thanks Matt for the heads up, I had totally forgot about the drawing being this week.
moose and elk!
Hope you got a big freezer. You have a possibilty of shooting two elk, a deer, and a moose? Dang!!! That's a lot of meat!
Nice work man...I'm jealous. No hits for me yet.
Are you freakin serious!??!?!?!?!?!!?!?!

] I have a decent sized freezer if you would like to donate some meat to it!
Boo!!! You got me all excited to help with a moose hunt! [pirate][frown][:p]
No hits yet, but i still have my fingers crossed. I for sure have 1 cow elk and 2 does already though. Gonna whack em' with my 357 mag[

Well I'll be happy to help on any hunts that you let me! [cool]
If you want to drive the 3 hours to Arcadia just to drag out 3 animals you are more than welcome.[sly]
I'll ride along... LOL
He doesn't know how hard it is to pack out an elk yet, go easy on him.[sly]
WOW...he's in for a BIG surprise then...
Wrong again you are! [cool]
I've helped pack out 2 elk actually. I'll admit that I was young, and didn't have to carry too much, but I've been there and done that.
I know it ain't easy, but it's just good to get out in the field.
I figured i would take the straps, front shoulders and our packs and let him take the hind quarters. That's fair ain't it??[sly]
Just looked at my credit card statement online and I have a charge but not sure what I drew for I put in for three different species, I didn't draw them all cuz the charge is only $45.
YAY I get to hunt something!!
$45 is probably an Elk draw