Well I went into work this morning to be greeted by my Chief telling me to go home. I didnt hesitate a bit to grab my hat, keys and sunglasses and make a "B-line" out the door. On the way home I called Remo 5 0 to see if he was going to Pineview, but he was on his way to Strawberry, so I decided to hitch up the boat and head to Willard for a couple hours!!! Didnt get a line in the water until 9:45 and started trolling along the North Dike. Didnt get a bite or anything for the first hour and a half, but did see a gentleman and his wife catch a catfish and Wiper. I said "the heck with this" and motored over west of the island, cut the motor and just drifted a bit casting in every direction. I did manage to pick up one chunky Wiper and that was it. Either way it was great to be on the water, NOT @ work!!! It is even better sometimes when you get out there alone, SOMETIMES!!! I need someone to teach me how to catch them fiesty Wipers trolling. Maybe just bad luck today or I must be doing something wrong, who knows. Hope it improves on Saturday!!!
Too bad the fishing wasn't better but fishing is always better then work.
Gonna have to do better than that on saturday.[
hey, one wiper is better than nothin. good looking fish. I'll give you some great tips on how to dial in to those waskally willard wipers and walleys; after Sat. Till then, especially Sat, just keep up what you are doing. lol
Hey make sure you get a hair cut before saturday[
Yeah hippie you really need a haircut heheh
I'm jealous cause I can't fish as often as you and Pat... how would it be!!!!
Maybe it is a good thing I am only getting ONE here and there. Hopefully Saturday all the fish will flock to my boat!!! By the way Brody, should I put my boat in then drop off the kiddy pool, trash bags, chips/dip and my donations/prizes or the direct opposite? I will probably be there around 6:15-6:30. Eagle Beach right? Found it today!!!
I will be there about 6:30. Just drop them off before.[
Sorry for all the reply's and questions, just getting kinda "antsy"/excited. Never been in one of these before other than a derby and Salmon Tourney when I was a kid in Seattle. Are you fishing the Tourney or just "running" the tables? We have to sign in and get our raffle tickets before we head out correct? By the way Thanks and Great Job coordinating this whole event!!! Hope we can do another one soon if at all possible!!!
Yes, you need to register before you do anything.
I am just going to hang back and watch. Not enough time to fish. [:/]
Last sunday I went 4 hours with out a fish and found the sweet spot and pulled 10 wipers , 2 eyes and one cat in the next 2 hours . Just got to find the sweet spot . Keep up the good fishing . [:p] You are doing fine .
Yeah, its funny, if you do work you get cut out. Maybe if you guys would do something on swings then you would get cut back then I would invite you along for a ride on my boat!!! You are just picking up where you left off on mids[:p]!!! Are you fishing the Tourney Saturday?
Pish posh....[angelic]
Ya if theres still a spot open, I thought I had lost my spot since I missed the deadline when I had to go on emergancy leave. But Lunkerhunter messaged me asking if I was still in, so with alittle luck I will be there. Even if my spots filled I will go just to meet some new people and steal your wipers..[cool]
Thanks for calling me yesterday, sorry I already had plans and was on the road, please invite me again when you have a chance. Sounds like Willard was a little slow better luck on Sat.