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Full Version: Good day at the berry 7/12 Saturday report
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Great day fishing at the Berry. Me and my brother took along one of his friends that didn't believe we could catch trout on a white tube jig......... Boy did we prove him wrong!!
We arrived about 5:30am and started catching a few right off the bat. At one point the friend casted out four times and caught four fish. All fish were good size at the top of the slot and two were 24 inches. If it got slow we would just move to a different spot then it would pick up again.
We boated 50 fish between the three of us, with the friend catching 20 of them, he said it was the best day of fishing at Strawberry in his life.
Also ran into kentofnsl and his buddies.
We fished north part of Strawberry bay in 25' of water, got a couple off the bottom jigging but most were caught casting out and retrieving the 3.5 inch white tube jigs tipped with sucker meat.
We had many fish follow right to the boat before they would hit and they would hit it over and over, quite aggressive at times. If we would have hooked all the followers you could easily add another 25 fish to that total, it was a lot of fun and it stayed pretty calm until we left at 1:00 or so, don't know where the W was but that was just fine.
Right On! I ff but I do have some WHITE FLIES[Wink]
I have got the same reaction from a few people,they cant believe you can catch that many fish on a jig.I have converted a few none believers.
Nice report.Got any pictures?
Great report, sounds like a really good day. I was up there today with the family, no fishing, just tubing and wakeboarding. I will probably head up thurs. for some fishing action.
Unfortunately, our report is the reverse of yours. Strange how you were getting into them and we could hardly buy a bite.