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Full Version: Any info on a place called "Sheep Creek" up Spanish Fork Canyon
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Sorry for posting here instead of the off topic board. I know I will get a quick response here and I need to know by tomorrow morning.

There is a place called "Sheep Creek" right past the Diamond Fork turn-off up Spanish Fork Canyon, I need to know how to get to it. Does anybody know where it is and I how I can get there?

Again, sorry to post here.

Keep going up hwy 6 past diamond fork, over billie's mtn., through the red narrows & after the narrows the canyon opens up and there will be a gas station and trailor park on the north side of the hwy. Turn north just before the gas station and you will be going up sheep creek canyon.

Long story short - the first gas station after Diamond Fork on Hwy 6.
Those are good directions, I think that gas station is a Shell Station. I hope your not planning on fishing that Sheep Creek as it is usually a trickle of water that is off to the right as you head up the road.
thank you very much. Really, really appreciate it.
Not planning on fishing it, my extended family is up there camping and I need to go up and help haul the camping trailers down. Thank you for the additional info.
Oops, Sinclair not shell