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fished starvation with Tanner and his grandpa Ted. had a blast catching walleye. started off trolling some deep diver perch rapala. caught a couple but was pretty slow. so we went back to where we caught the ones trolling and started jigging with nightcrawlers in about 12 to 15 feet of water. we stayed there the rest of the day and pounded the eyes, over 30 with the biggest being 18in.
also caught a coouple smallmouth. overall it was a very good day. Ted took a few pics maybe he will post them.
later chuck
Very nice Chuck, are they deep ? Is the water going down.
good work chuck!!! i new they would be there still. hey chuck you took 2 first time eye guys and they caught limmits? you must be good teacher. lol [fishin]
they were in about 12 to 15 feet of water maybe even into 9 feet. we anchored in 12. some fish were right under us and others came out a ways. I did loose a big perch right at the boat. I can't tell if the water is low I haven't been to starvation in a few years, so to me the water is high.
later chuck