Fishing Forum

Full Version: Condie LM
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Length - just over 20"
Girth and weight = who knows

Caught this guy at Condie 7/15/08 from a tube on reaper. Had to really struggle to get him out of the vegetation on 6# Silver Thread and hollering at the Sparkinator for getting in the way. Would you believe that the lure was loose in his mouth! [shocked] Lucky. Shortly after this, got blown off the Lake after losing an even bigger guy. [unimpressed] Got to get back there.
Leaky and the Sparkinator

P.S. The pic. is kind of small, let me know if I need to make it bigger.

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=38674]
nice fish!!
Very nice fish! I added it into the post for you. [cool]