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Full Version: Legality of Stepping Foot in Rivers & Streams
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I haven't been checking the posts lately, so I hope this isn't old news, but [url ""]here's and article on ksl[/url] that talks about a recent ruling that makes it legal to walk along rivers and streams that border private property...pretty interesting, and good news in my opinion! [Wink]
[cool][#0000ff]It was moved to the OFF TOPIC this one will be.[/#0000ff]

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You need to go back and read the hole thing...
It does not say you can walk along all streams...
By "walk along" I really mean "walk along in." I realize this doesn't allow people up on the banks, just in the water itself. Pretty cool if you ask me!
Walking along the bank will be allowed as it is as "incidental" to fishing as touching the bottom is to floating.
What is not part of the easement is doing any harm to or detracting in any way from the landowners use of their land, including the land under the water.
It will be interesting to see how the DNR interprets that ruling. I for one will stick to public and private land that I have permission to fish until the mud settles on that one.
That sounds wise...plenty of places to hit without pushing the limits for now.