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Full Version: plastic worms and bass?
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well I was really skeptical of plastic worms and lures and stuff like that until I could a nice large mouth bass on a robo worm. I wasn't even trying to catch it. Infact, I was convinced I wasnt going to so I started day dreaming while slowly reeling it in and BAM! Got a bite, cought the bass. it was a nice one, great size. Unfortunetly the lake I fish at requires all bass to be cath-and-release only. Which in my case is ok, concidering no one in my house knows how to coook and preparre most fish lol.

My conclusion: plastic and rubber worms work out- color definetly helps too, so find some and get to those Bass!!!
If you do some research, you will find that plastics have been playing a key role in Bass fishing for a few decades now.

Congrats on catching a nice Bass and thanks for sharing it with us.

We do have a nice recipe board so that you may share or use any recipes that you like.

I don't have many Bass recipes on there since most people, including myself, release all the Large Mouth Bass.

You can use the recipes on Small Mouth Bass as well as Striped Bass. Those are the ones that taste better.[cool]

Dead fish don't grow.
Try a senko type bait, they work even better than a regular rubber worm...
yeah, it's good to have senkos on-hand, but they're not really a worm in the traditional sense. they're used to imitate preyfish and the likes, whereas a roboworm can be used to convincingly imitate a worm or baitfish.

don't forget to try a drop shot rig with that roboworm, daswaimsta, especially if it's a 4 incher. I've found it to be a pretty deadly lure for that technique.
i throw full live night crawlers and kill. i goto north lake in irvine california an catch atleast 45 fish each time including a mystry fish tht i hav posted a fourm to try an get help identifing-