I was hoping to get another limit of nice perch from Yuba this morning, it was not to be. Today was the slowest perch fishing for me at Yuba this year. I caught enough for a limit, but they were all about 10". So back they went. The water is really low. I had a big pike on that gave me a good run for a couple of minutes before cutting my line. I retied and had another one on in just a couple of minutes. I didn't dare to try to land it in my tube so I kicked over to shore when it would let me. I didn't get a good measurement, but he was several inches longer than my golden rule board, which is 26". It weighed 9lb. 15oz. The longest fish ever from my tube.
Well done.
![[Image: happy.gif]](http://www.bigfishtackle.com/images/gforum/happy.gif)
I've got to get down there and catch my first pike.
I've caught ten or so this year, every one while fishing for perch. Today's was by far the biggest landed.
[cool] I gotta get down there & catch me some of them pike !!
You floatin' from state park or beach or painted rock ?? What lures are your throwning for them ? Only if you want to share that info. Thanks.
nice pike dude! they sure are fun to catch... [:p]
hope your letting most of them smaller ones go tho! the walleye are not showing any time soon so at lest we have something with some teeth in there to catch! [sly] lol
I fish the state park side. I go west from the ramp and fish around past the dam. As a side note, if anyone needs carp for bait they are swarming the shore in only a couple of feet of water, easy bow shot from the shore. I usually put a single tail grub on one pole and drift it while I cast a roadrunner. I've done the best with Maniacs in junebug or changeable craw with a chartreuse or orange tail. I've also caught quite a few perch and a couple of pike on a Yamamoto single tail in bright orange. Two pike today on the orange. I like the Maniacs better for perch because they are tougher. The Yamamoto's tails come off really easily.
I kept one small one a month or so ago. I didn't care for the taste compared to perch. I kept the one today because it didn't survive the long landing ( I had to kick to shore ) and picture taking session. They are not very tough fish. I usually don't even take them out of the water. I haven't caught a walleye yet this year.
yeah i know the big one i cought with tommy the other day went belly up on me to.. spent 20 min's trying to revive it but DOA.. most the time they are tuff as nails tho.. must be the wamer water and the big one seem to go into fight shock after a long fight.. [:/]
oh well there lots more were that one came form!! [sly]
dont feel bad about it.. i sure dont!! you probley saved a 1000 perch's lives today! [crazy] lol
oh and your right pike are realy not that good to eat!!
The water is down that should condense the fish.
yeah and the amount of biomass the lake can have in it!
i got a feeling the perch are right on the edge of the big crash! it's not going to take much for it go down hill fast! [:/]..
looking at the lake: sick looking perch and alot smaller skineyer perch than they should be .. ton's of carp = crash big time!
well at lest the DWR can't blame the walleye this time.. but i'm sure it's the pike's fault.. becouse it's much easyer to blame the pike then the DWR for not even trying to remove the carp! [crazy]..
They always point fingers, but it usually takes a u turn. Never enough bait for the fish is there problem and will continue till some smart individual comes along.
Fuzzy I think you are on to something here. A big toothy predator vs the ever innocent carp that just destroys the plants with create cover and hold insects for other fish to survive. It is becoming little Utah Lake...
lol a little UT lake? X3
well utah lake does not have to contend with a massave amount of carp comeing in from other waters like yuba does... there are 2 difrent kind's of carp in yube common carp and mirror carp. the common carp are comeing down stream from redmonds (along with pike and cat's) and from the siever dranage.. then you got the big problem with the sandpitch dranage..the mirror carp are in walles res sit's right at the top and it is a carp facttory the carp have it all to them selves! then they to gunnison res ok well a hole 500 bass in gunnison to contend with.. but with all the fathead.crawdad's and shiners in there i dought the bass are eating carp! so you have carp being porduceed on a masave scale in lakes every year and draind allmost dry ever year where do you think all them carp end up?
oh and BTW yuba is not that bad a of a carp producer it's self!!
I think you're right on the money there. There are fewer perch this year than the last couple. I've been catching some healthy fish, but not any tiny ones. I haven't even seen any less than maybe eight inches since ice fishing. The carp are getting really bad. I wish the fish and game would offer a bounty on them. Maybe a free fishing license or a state parks pass or something.
all tho the thought is noble a bounty on carp probly will do very little to the vast numbers in the system.. fishermen do very little damage to fish like that.. we are talking ton's and ton's and even more ton's of carp in the system.. me and some friend of mine in the old day's would go to gunnison res. when the carp were up in the shalows with pichfourks, axe's, bow's,ball bat's and what ever other wepons we could get our hands on. yes even shot guns.. when we would leve the seen the water would be red from the blood in the water for a 200 yard square around where we where doing the killing.. 1000's of carp would die on them days.. never seemed to make any diffrence in how meny there were in there tho!..
and that is the very problem the DWR face's how do you rid a intire system of one of the hardest to kill fish in the world?
and why would they even try no trout lakes are being affected.. just perch walleye and pike...and we allready know what they think of them spices.. [:/]
I just figured it out. Carp are the Cockroaches of the fish world. They are everywhere reproduce better than rabbits and can live pretty much anywhere.
lol your right there! [sly].. water cockroaches is exatcley what they are!
what i find funny is the DWR will open up they'er can of fix a lake to rid it of chub when it's a trout lake? a fish that can be used as a food sorce (maybe not the best food sorce)for alot of diffrent species.. browns, tiger trout ,tiger musky, pike, lake trout, splake,perch,walleye, cat fish,SM Bass, LM Bass, white bass,stripes, cutt's and even rainbows.. will eat chub.
but will not lift a finger to try and stop kill or even slow down a fish that is 5 times as destructive and is useless in any water system that has game fish.? [crazy]..
shiner minnows 95% protean for a fish to eat it.. 5% wast.
chub 90% protean for a fish to eat it.. 10% wast..
carp 60% protean for a fish to eat it.. 40% wast
but they realy do care for all of our fishing waters.. [crazy]
Hey Ron you are so right about that. Carp are not a priority even though they are the most destructive fish in this state. I wonder what they would do if carp showed up in strawberry.
well i'm sure they would do every thing they could to kill them! thay can't have they'er prize pet being raped by carp!
carp have showed in scofield! if anyone rembers.. did not take long for them to brake out the old can of fix a lake there.. same with nine mile.. i'm sure there are other trout lakes that have had carp in them that don't now..
look at otter creek, piute, i can't even count how meny times the can of fix a lake has been dumped in them just in my life time.. that was to kill chub tho [crazy].. but ya can tell they relay are not all that good at killing chub!
the odd thing is the lakes they have killed the carp in have stayed carp free for years after? but they were trout lakes also so maybe them trout are better at killing carp than i ever thought they could be,.. well with a little help from a can of fix a lake lmao... [pirate]..
I agree. I am hoping with Drew heading up the warm water fishery that things will change, but I think it is going to take a very very long time.