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Wondering if anyone else fishing the SE Idaho area in the last week or so got insect bites to anything exposed underwater? Have never had problems but the picture shows what my legs look like 3 days after fishing last weekend at Chesterfield!! Wanted to give everyone the heads up if you are thinking about going without the waders... Anyone have an idea what is lurking beneath the surface?
That is what I know as swimmers itch. It's a parasite that's life cycle goes like this, not sure where it starts. The grub hatches on the bottom dwelling snails swims up burrows into water fowl and ends up in their intestines and the expelled out where it sinks to the bottom and is eaten by the snails. When they swim up and find us and burrow in we are not the right body tempature so they die.
I would agree that this is swimmer's itch. It is a parasite that leaves it's snail host and migrates up to the water's surface and waits for a host. Since you had such a reaction to these bites, it is safe to assume that you have had previous exposure. Treatment is typically symptomatic relief via topical antihistamines (Benedryl) or corticosteriods (hydrocortisone cream).
Seek medical consult if you develop diarrhea, fever, or nausea.

Wear your waders.
IPF- has in right. Actually I think what's left is a form of dermatitis- Do not toon with out waders or some type of barrier. Hell panty hose will work or socks to above the water line. You can't just dive in and get swimmers itch you have to be in the water for awhile.
Swimmer's itch is s type of parasite called schistosomiasis. This strain won't develop into adult worms in people as it gets into us by mistake. It goes from snails to birds normally. The microfilaria that penetrate your skin ( and that of the birds) is microscopic as the name implies. Panty hose and socks won't work. Just getting splashed can be enough of an exposure to get it but the longer you're exposed to affected water the more likely your to get it. Use waders and if your concerned you've been exposed I'd suggest using rubbing alcohol over the contacted area as soon as possible to kill those buggers before they penetrate the skin.
Just of curiosity then why is there a line where the infestations stop on the top of the sock ? I have seen this at least 5 different times. Also you see people swim or ski at Mantua and other lakes and they don't seem to get it nearly as often as a tuber or tooner will. I'm also leaning that a splash has very low odds. With that type of deal one would really have to be in the water for a few minutes and then not dry off and let the water dry on you , If you were in for a very short period of time and dried off very well your odds of getting it drop dramatically. ,
I won't argue that socks or clothing might help protect. I probably should have said won't ALWAYS work. I suspect part of the reason those floating in a tube or toon get it more often is just more likely to be in close proximity to snails. If you swim or ski from a boat you start away from the bank where their aren't snails. If you swim from shore from a beach there isn't going to be many snails because of lack of vegetation. Getting splashed is low risk but if the water is heavily infested does occur.
First of all welcome to the board. Sorry your first post had to be a bad experience. The other guys have done a good job of explaining swimmers itch and that is exactly why I wear waders in a toon or tube.

Thanks for all the info from everyone and the warm welcome to the board. The bites did fade after 4 or 5 days and you can bet I'll wear my waders for the rest of the season. Hope to contribute something back with some info when I get the chance to get out on the water again.
Oh man, maybe that is what has been going on with my forehead!!! All along I thought it was the sun!!! Will have to quit soaking my head in the water.