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Last trip to Jordanelle, we saw tons of fish on the finder in 10-15 feet of water, but they were suspended at 5-8 feet. Time was mid to late afternoon. Are those bass suspended in cover (there were plenty of trees and such about), or something else?
Perch, Trout, and or Chubs?????
I wondered about that also. If you believe the fish finder, the fish were mostly of larger size, which I think would eliminate perch or chubs. Seems too shallow and warm this time of year for trout, but perhaps not. Could be carp perhaps. but then, there aren't any carp in Jordanelle, are there?

I was Confused then, and still am now...[Smile]
They could be bass or chubs or both...

I see this a lot up there and have caught bass doing this, if the light is right you can even see them..Most are 6"to 10" fish...
Turn down your gain.[cool]
[indent]Chubs are a distinct possibility. We fished there Tuesday evening and caught several large chubs right in the trees. Some were a foot long and over a pound. One was a massive female bulging with eggs.
you are probably right LH2, but I like to see big fish on the scope!!
I sure hope not. Its bad enough when you are the only one who can't catch the big SMB, now I can't even catch a chub when I got it on the scope...[Smile]
My old finder i had to turn the gain up to about 70% but my new one is only like 30%. if i turn it up higher(don't need to) i get the same thing. I got it with the old one too but i could figure out what was clutter and what was fish. Now if i see soething it is almost always a fish.[cool]
The cone angle is so small at 5' deep you should be able to see the fish you are marking by lookig over the side of the boat. I dont think it's fish you are seeing.
Could be floating debri.