It has been a while since I have posted a report, heck it has been a while since I have caught a fish too[mad]. So I decided to head up to East Canyon this morning after helping the wife set up for her End of The Year Garbage.....errrrr.......Garage Sale. Got a late start and didnt get on the water until 6:30, not bad, but rather have been earlier, especially after the fishing that I got into right off the bat!!! I headed south to the "shallow rocks" and started there, third cast got a smallie, fifth cast a stocker rainbow. I threw them back and decided to find Momma Smallie/Rainbow but ended up not finding her. After catching nothing but little guys I decided to head over to the east side. Caught one more smallie and decided that I better get a picture of this one before the fishing ends for me since there was a line out the ying yang at the boat ramp putting boats on. Sure enough, that was the last fish that I caught. Lost one rainbow around 11 and called it a day at around Noon. Maybe I should not take pictures everytime I go out, then I will really get into the fish, seems as though once you take a picture that is it for the fishing!!![frown][cool] Anyhow, water temps were between 72.4 and 75.4. I ended up with 9 smallies and 7 rainbows all were not even 10" long, but not bad for the first 2 1/2 hours. Oh yeah before I forget, on the fish finder I noticed about 6 different "stacks" of "big" fish at different locations on the lake. What would those be? Trout? I know Mac's do that, didnt know that Rainbows would, do Bass? I wish I had a picture, but all of them were the "BIG" fish display on the finder soooooo..........
wow man thats a wapper of a smallmouth! [crazy]..
i dont know what's in east canyon.. but i have seen perch do that.. and alot of times if there is chub or shiners in the lake they will ball up like that as well..
well at lest you got off to do some fishing!
Nice fish Bud. [

] Nice report too.[

] Now I know why you haven't answered your mail! Check you pm's. Did what I promised. Are you guys going tomorrow? Hope so. Need to hear back from the professionals!!!! Will probably be going to Dev or Glen Mon./Tues.
Leaky and the Sparkinator
How deep were the group on the finder???
And were they off of a point or along the shore??
I was in about 14' and they were stacked around 10'!!! It was not off a point but very close to one!!!!
you should just give up fishing all together
[cool][#0000ff]Good report. You don't have to post pictures of record class fish to make it a fun outing and a successful trip. As the time for your new tax deduction gets closer, you will appreciate any time you can get on the water.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]My guess on the suspended fish would be crappies. Lots of them in that lake now and suspended schools are normal for summer crappies. Tough to catch too. You gotta make vertical presentations, with small jigs, and you have to use THE FORCE to feel the delicate bites. When the water starts cooling in the fall the crappies will become more active and easier to catch.[/#0000ff]
Hi Justin,
We need to hook up and hit EC, and find you some bigger bass! Actually, it has slowed quite a bit there in recent weeks. A month back I was pulling some nice smallies out of ther with regularity, but now its lots of dinks.
The supsended fish that you're graphing might be suckers. I have seen them in there since last year, and some of them have alot of size to them. Could also be crappie as another posted mentioned, or possibly bass. My bet would be suckers though. Thanks for the report [cool] Fred.
I would have to say suckers, lots of them in there some over 8 lb but they make for lots of food for the other fish....