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Full Version: making my own plastic worms/ making my own molds
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i have an idea for a plastic worm but since its my idea i need to know how to make my mold and i need to know where to buy items to make a plastc worms
You can get all the stuff you need on Barlows Tackle Express. They carry the molds, plastic, color, glitter and everything.[cool]
i have been to that site but i dont want there molds i want to make my own molds
You will need to get ahold of some heat resistant plastic and a Dremel tool if that is the case.

You may be able to substitute some hard rubber for the plastic.

With your Dremel Tool you will need to hand carve the shapes and sizes that you desire.

You can still get the plastic from that company or Google some other companies.[cool]
You may also want to check out our lure and jig making board. There are many anglers on there with the same desires to make their own stuff too.[cool]
I get my stuff from Lurecraft and they have the mold making kit your looking for. I've used it and it works fine. Give them a call, I couldn't find it on the web page, but it was in the catalog.