It's a Mokia? Have any of you seen these? This thing would be great it's like a water atv. I think I might have to get one of these...[cool]
Demo video.. [url ""][/url]
that is kind-a cool.. not sure if i would use it all that much.. but might be more better on my back than my tube is and i would not have to kick so much.. [sly]..and it could get in to some hard to reach places that hardly ever get fished.
I found an ad for it in Adventure magazine and thought it was kind of neat and alot cheaper on gas tan a boat with more of the versitility.[cool]

[#000080] I think it's way cool!![/#000080]
[#000080]Not sure where you would mount pole holders, sonar, etc. Might look like the Clampets going down the lake. Guess you could tow a Mokia trailer...[:/][/#000080]
I was thinking the same thing, you would think some rod holders would come standerd atleast!
Thats one bad mutha (watch yo mouth) oh I was just talkin bout the mokia!
That is pretty cool, now I need one. Well I will just add that to the list.
OMG! I want one of those things. Snake River comes to mind right off the bat.
As far as rod holders, I agree that PVC down the side could put it in a different class as far as look , BUT, if you can afford the boat I am betting you could afford some GOOD LOOKING pre fab rod holders like the ones from Scotty:
[inline "Rod Holder 400.jpg"]
[inline "Rod Holder 2 400.jpg"]
I don't look at kicking or rowing as a bad thing...excersice is good, but as far as being able to fish spots that I couldn't because of the faster current to get back, this boat is awesome.
that is nice. i wouldnt mid cruising any lake in that.
That watercraft ROCKS !! If i had the money Id buy one right now [cool][cool][cool][cool][cool]
I wasn't interested at first but after watching the video I want one! That would open a whole new world to fishing.
So does it come in Max 4 wetlands camo as I want one for duck hunting.
Than just take it to one fo those places that does the wraps and valla a new duck buggy is born.