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Full Version: Raising baby bullheads
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I have a 14Gal tank at home and there is a nasty pond that I fish sometimes and I am wondering if I can net some of the baby bullhead and try to raise them. Do you think this is illegal? I checked my booklet and didn't see anything about it. Anybody done this?
Don't transport any live fish in Utah. You cannot take live fish from the wild and move anywhere. It's against the law even to move wild fish to a private pond. See for details.
You may want to check the regs for Iowa. Not all states allow live transport. The majority don't allow it.

I'm sure you could set up an environment at home but we are not the ones telling you to do it. You would be at your own risk.

On the other hand, where I am at in California, I can order fish from a hatchery since they are licensed to transport.

See if your state has this type of program. It doesn't cost alot and you will still conform to your local laws.[cool]