Fishing Forum

Full Version: twin lakes blue gill report!!!!!!!
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[fishin] K a buddy n I went out to twin tonight for about 3.5 hours we knocked the blue gills dead anywhere from about 10 inches to smaller not there really in size but my buddy never has landed a gill before so we went out for fish didn't really care what kind just something to hit our lines we landed bout 6 gills, 7 perch, one crappie, and one really nice bow all we used was a night crawler and just trolled around in my little canoe the perch where bout 12-14 inches the bow not sure i don't care for rainbows sorry. we stayed on the south west side right in the middle of the channel that feeds the north lake very clear water its getting to the point where u cant get in and out past the island but once we fished that channel fishing picked up real fast fished tell dark.

got my buddy hooked on this fishing deal i showed him this fish chat he should be getting an account and posting his pix but here is my catch of what i took home did not dare to take my camera out on the canoe with so sorry no pix of every fish......
[fishin] My buddy dma_ayotte got me onto this site after our fishing trip today to twin lakes. It was great pulling out my 1st blue gill, and the perch. The water was a little rough with all the boaters pulling people and tubes so it made pulling fish out much more rewarding. We talked to a few kids in another boat that had pulled out 5-6 rainbows and 2 large mouth bass. Sadly [:/] we never saw a bass. We didn't have a camera with us so I only have a picture of the 2 gills I brought home with me.
Welcome to the board. Glad to see that there are bluegill still in Twin Lakes. Hopefully they will come back to the numbers that they were at a couple of years ago.
