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Id like to be the first (I hope) to thank DR for his suggestion and follow up work on establishing "the water hole" for us.. I think he did an outstanding job of coordinating the poll, asking the powers that be to create the forum for us.. and then the work to move all of the previous posts from other threads/forums that are more appropriate here than elsewhere..

DR my friend.. thank you for all of your hard work on YOUR board [sly] (sorry inside joke folks)..

MacFly [cool]
[font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4][Image: happy.gif]You're too kind my friend. We might be a small group here on the fly fishing forum but we are dedicated to our sport and perserving the art of fly fishing and the species we fish.[Image: bobwink.gif][/size][/#008000][/font]
[center][inline fish_moves.gif]
.. that and we are a family and have a heck of a lot of fun together.. :-)

I did notice that we all don't get to be mods on it. At least I don't have my tool bar.[crazy]

I do thank DR though. It should help to alleiate some of the non topic traffic over here.[cool]
Me too, Me too!
we can ask you to get rights to be a mod over here if you want bro..[laugh]

MacFly [cool]
LOL... [Smile]

MacFly [cool]
Now that all four of us FF mods have posted here, I see that none of us have mod privelages on our own Watering Hole board.[crazy]
hmmmm I did not notice that until you pointed it out.... that is uhhmmm "unusual"...

MacFly [cool]
I guess we don't need a mod in this @&%$# section anyways. We can say all teh &*##&%^*^&#@*(^) That we want and get away with it.[cool]
true.. but it is something we can complain about.. LOL..

MacFly [cool]
[center][font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4][blush]Okay, I hear you loud and clear. My favorite three-some should have their names included shortly. Will I ever live this bad down? [:/][/size][/#008000][/font]
[center][inline sb.jpg]
minor glitch in the big machine..its all good.. :-)..

MacFly [cool]
[center][font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4][Image: happy.gif]Who are the Mods on this board? Well you all are now.[/size][/#008000][/font]
lol..once again my friend.. thank you for taking care of things for us.. :-)

MacFly [cool]
Wow! We got the buttons back. I'll have to watch my %$(*&^#^% language now so I don't get banned by myself or others.[laugh][laugh]
wouldnt banning yourself be the same as talking to and then answering yourself??

MacFly [cool]
I do know some people that talk to themselves. I don't worry about it until they break out in a full argument and the name calling gets out of hand.

There was someone in the past of BFT that accidentally banned themselves.

They ended up using me as a liaison with the admins to get them "Unbanned".[crazy]
[signature] that is funny.. [sly]